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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  July 28, 2012 6:00am-10:00am EDT

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>> do you think? we want to show you uniforms. u.s. spark controversy by china ralph loren. weigh in whether you think they were attractive. people call it the most stylish olympic ever. armani, prada. mccarthy. everybody was getting in on the couture. >> everyone about the fashion, of course. i did not care about the berets more than the made in china aspect. i don't understand that if there was a loser. now, no medals have been handed out. if there was a loser in the owning ceremonies, it is clearly the international olympic committee the ioc chose not to allow a moment of silence to mark the 40th anniversary of the '72 munich game when 11 israeli athletes and coaches were killed by palestinian gunmen. the ioc said no we will not
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break protocol and have a moment of silence. though bob costas who did the broadcast did give a tribute and to me gave his own moment of silence if you will. but they did pay tribute to others who had fallen, clayton. >> the subway bombs, of course, they did pause for a moment of silence. >> video tribute. >> a video tribute and others arguing hey, wait a second if they are going to do a video district for those subway bombs which occurred the day after it was announced that london had won. >> that was fitting. >> why is not fitting to pay tribute to the fallen israeli soldiers. some wonder whether he bob costas enough? >> credit credit does costas. he brought this up a couple days ago. there was a five second pause. maybe it was him or network or coincidence. >> or did he cut to commercial
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break. you can pause in your own way in the commercial break. >> the victims' families are outraged they feel for years now the ioc has been trying to cover this up, sweep fund the rug. ignore these families that are still grieving and wanting people to recognize it. i think it was outrageous disrespectful filibuster by the ioc. offending the palestinians? i don't know. i'm also surprised mitt romney has not seized on this as a political opportunity. maybe his ties with the ioc make that difficult because he of course is headed there. >> so many leaders in the u.s. did beseech the committee to honor those athletes from hillary clinton to president obama yet they didn't. love to hear what you have to say about all of that. >> so much more to talk about when the limps this morning all the details they can't even sleep in the bez.
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the too tall for the beds. don't have air-conditioning brits good air-conditioning. double standard? that's coming up. >> mitt romney will arrive just a few hours from now. did president obama try to steal some of the thunder from mitt romney? peter doocy is live in washington are with more. >> according to the white house. yesterday was the day to sign this bipartisan bill which strengthens our military relationship with israel because it had arrived at the white house in recent days so they wanted to sign it by the end of the week. they say it had nothing to do with the women signing that mitt prom any was on his way to israel. >> i understand the coincidence. but the fact is our cooperation went israel on its security is a sung we could discuss every day because there are things that take place in that relationship. and our assistance is real every day.
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so, the fact of the matter is, signing ceremony that the iron dome, israel's short range rocket shield is getting $70 million in approved funding from the united states romney campaign looks at everything doing now. hadn't been up to snuff first term it. unfortunately this bill does nothing to address yesterday's on whether president obama recognizes jerusalem as the capital of israel which raise the doubt about the president's commitment to our closest ally in the region. now, mitt romney is still in london right now. second stop on his foreign trip, the final stop will be in poland. back to you in new york. >> the obama campaign responds
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and says president reagan never visited israel in the two terms while he was president of the united states. does this matter? but there have been cool relationships with president obama and israel. >> it's interesting. that $70 million in military aid that the president signed into law on friday. right before mitt romney goes to israel. is this a coincidence? as the white house is sticking with? is it an attempt to buy votes and to help get the jewish vote here in the united states? charles krauthammer weighed in on all of that on "special report" on friday. >> question: will this incline anybody is pro-israel to support obama in november? and the correct answer is, no, unless he has been in a coma for three and a half years. obama is simply here continuing. the military cooperation that we have had with israel for decades. on the life and death political issues, stopping vaughn's nuclear program, which is closer than ever to completion, to pressing israel
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to it return to the 67 lines and to the way he has insulted and marginalized israel's elected leaders. i think his record on israel is a poor one. not going to change anybody. clearly aimed at deflecting the attention romney will get in israel tomorrow. >> you know it's interesting. i just read this morning and yof the source at mile finger tips right now. 6% of democratic voters say what happens in israel the fate of rarl is their deciding factor for how they vote and the polls between mitt romney and barack obama are so tight right now, i mean neck and neck that that 6% could move the needle even if democrats were willing to cross the aisle. >> well, i mean, what happens though this weekend will be interesting because much -- many say that you should not criticize the president on foreign soil. all indications are that mitt romney will not do that how will he draw that distinction? how will he appeal that to 6%? i'm not sure. >> get to your headlines.
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we have a lot to tell you about including this update. news that police may have towarded what may have been a copycat attempt movie massacre by a man calling himself the joker. neil press cot in the process of being fired from his job threndz to go on work place shooting rampage at pit any pitney. he worked as a subcontractor. meantime court documents report that arush hour are a suspect james holmes was seeing a psychiatrist at the university of colorado. holmes was seeing lynn finton who studied schizophrenia. we also know that he sent a notebook to finton which contained drawings of stick figure killing other people. united nations failing to reach an agreement to regulate global arms trade. the united states asking for more time to it consider this new treaty. russia and china also asked
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for nor time. this comes amid concerns the agreement would restrict the constitutional right to bear arms. secretary clinton 51 senators called expansion of gun control unacceptable. they said quote the constitutional protection of these individual freedoms must not be infringed. we will oppose the ratification of any arms trade treaty that falls short of this standard. they say it will save lives by cracking down on illegal guns. owner of hercules industries a family business in colorado got an injunction to stop the obama administration's healthcare mandate. the heating and air-conditioning company said being forced to provide contraception coverage vials their first amendment rights. could have larger implications. take a look at this. a small plane belly flops on to it a texas highway after making emergency landing. the plane took off from fort
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worth airport started having engine trouble. it was forced to land on the service road. the plane was not damaged. amazing, those are your headlines. >> thanks, alisyn. check in with rick reichmuth now at the 30th annual balloon festival in new jersey. is rick up in a balloon yet or is it still too dark? >> not yet. it is light enough that the balloons aren't up yet. they are out getting their weather report to see how high they can fly today. we will be showing a lot of really cool balloons being set up here all morning lock. talk about the weather. weather is going to be a factor here in new jersey today. in fact we have big storms later on. take a look at the weather maps and you can get an idea what to talk about to start your day. temperaturewise, still warm across a the love the plains and the heat is going to be back. at least this morning not starting out all that hot excepts for phoenix 92 degrees. extremely warm there. here is that threat.
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baltimore, philadelphia, and knox. a big area population wise big hail and strong winds. wind event with thunderstorms that start to fire during the afternoon. this morning nothing all that bad. little bit of showers around the great lakes and monsoonal act dying off during the afternoon hours. take a look at the heat about to come back to the plains. we have been talking about the drought going on. here you go. heat again in and across the plains. 101 in north plat. get ready, it stays warmer tomorrow and in the day on monday. so, all right, guys, we will will send it back to you. more coming up from the 30th annual festival of ballooning. guys? >> throw this out to our viewers this morning and get to you weigh in on this. a bit of controversy being created by ford motor company which in 2014 will be replacing and rolling out a brand new ford f-150. getting rid of the long-time
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steel body in favor of a lighter, 700-pound lighter aluminum frame. >> that's traumatic weight loss. people that drive the pickup truck this is not the ford we believe. in switching from steel to aluminum. not just losing 700 powngsdz. aluminum will not make it as tough as the original ford 150. you know aluminum tends to break easier than steel. should make the car a lot more expensive. why are they doing this? because the obama administration requires that cars get 54 miles per hour by 2025. ford has to do something to meet those standards. >> we're getting a lot of you have the ford 1 auto. so why don't you email us or find us on twitter and lead us know that you think it's good that you will get better gas mileage or bad that it's made out of aluminum. >> what happened to the summer of recovery.
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200,000 small businesses went under. now the president considering another stimulus. more stimulus this morning. is it a good idea? we will digest it with your coffee coming up. ad of him ad of him and wifty thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer. people don't li to miss out on money that should have been theirs. that's why at ally we have the raise your rate 2-year cd. you can get a one-time rate increase if our two-year rate goes up. if your bank mes you miss out, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. with the idea of hybrid technology...
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it's already ingrained in our dna. during the golden opportunity sales event, get great values on some of our newest models. this is the pursuit of perfection. [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where you don't back down from a challenge. this is the age of knowing how to make things happen. sowhy let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours.
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stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. >> more bad news for the american economy. our nation's g.d.p. has only grown at a rate of 1.5% over the last three months. slowing economists claim to make a healthy economy. there has to be at least a growth of 2%.
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plus, the cren cuss bureau revealing that over 200,000 small businesses were lost during the recession. now the feds are call for perhaps the second stimulus. is that the answer? joining us now. small business owner and fox news contributor amelia be a ton netty. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> the numbers are frightening when we look at how many small businesses have disappeared in the last couple of years. here is a graphic that shows it for us. march of 2008. five of 1.4 firms now. 4.92 that was in march of 2010. one would think that number has continued to decrease. why and how big a problem? >> it's a huge problem. and wait because this is just the beginning of what's going on. because, remember, we are going into the fourth quarter right now. people are running out of the cash and first and second stage investors. as rules and regulations come down. people are pulling in and calling in their loans, we are out of cash. there is no way to get to the top of next year. a lot of companies are going to start filing as we move into fourth quarter. if you think 200,000 is a lot.
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wait until you see what happens come quarter 4. >> why is it such a bad environment for a small business. >> take a look at the obama care. that alone takes so much administrative work to figure out if you are even in compliance. almost like getting ready for your taxes. small business not only trying to take on additional responsibilities, figure out their compliance. the rules don't make any sense. offer only one kind of healthcare to your company. anybody who has ever run a company, part time, full time, executives. all different tiers within your company. you can't have one plan for all it doesn't make any sense. one, we're trying to figure out how we will make the line items work and they don't we no longer have access to the capital. we have got problem there nobody has an expert. i can't even call and say taxes come help me. we can't ask anybody for help because nobody can understand healthcare. >> might surprise you but the white house has a different take. this is jay carney on friday. >> well, i would say that on the issue of g.d.p. what we
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have seen is the 12th straight quarter of economic positive growth and that is a good thing yet as we say consistently that's not enough. not fast enough. job creation not substantial enough. >> i read a lot on friday about the g.d.p. numbers. that was the only positive spin i have heard on it because, look, it is slowing. at this point live in a recovery we are at around 3% growth in a recovery. talking about another round of stimulus. is that enough? what do small businesses need to get growing? absolutely not. history predicts the future. it's never worked before. it's not going to work now. all of the what we thought we were going to get for accountability before the last stimulus we were way off. not going to happen. definition of insanity is repeating the same thing. >> what do we need.
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>> get out of our way. let the market correct itself. take a look at businesses at less than 100 employees. devastating how quickly they are going out of business. get out of way. stop making us unpaid servants of the administration and let us do what we do well. build jobs. get out, get out o, get out of the way. >> you may hear mitt romney echo that sentiment. >> thank you. >> 100 days away away from the election. but you may not have to wait. the election could be decided in october. we'll explain why. remember this? a former wall street trader seen on camera swallowing something moments after he was found guilty. he died. we now know what what from. with the spark miles card from capital one,
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thor's couture gets the most rewards of any small business credit card. your boa! [ garth ] thor's small business earns double miles on every purchase, every day! ahh, the new fabrics, put it on my spark card. [ garth ] why settle for less? the spiked heels are working. wait! [ garth ] great businesses deserve the most rewards! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? [ cheers and applause ] [ male announcer ] this is our beach. ♪ this is our pool. ♪ our fireworks. ♪
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and our slip and slide. you have your idea of summer fun, and we have ours. now during the summer event get an exceptionally engineered mercedes-benz for an exceptional price. but hurry, this offer ends july 31st.
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>> happy summer images there. 24 minutes past the hour. time for the headlines. autopsy now confirmation that x wall street trader killed himself with cyanide. he was seen swallowing something moments after being convicted of arson in an arizona courtroom. the a 3-year-old was facing 21 years in prison. the mayo clinic in arizona says it's treating democratic congressman jesse jackson junior for depression. took a mysterious leave last month. >> we may not have to wait until november to find out who the new president of the united states is we could find out as early as october. joining us now from d.c. more how early voting will
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political strategist. vice president of the winston group. nice to see you this morning. >> good to be here, clayton, thanks for having me. >> dive into key battleground states with early voting dating as early as september. september for voting and you see some of these battle ground states. florida, ohio. you have north carolina, out in nevada. all in the early fall. so we may know this thing, kristen, before people line up and go in november? >> well, you and i may not know. but the campaigns may have a pretty good idea how they are doing in some of these key states. one of the things a bit ironic about this election these campaigns are going to have so much money to spend turning voters out. they are also able to be incredibly efficient to b. turning out exactly where the voters are they need to get and exactly how to get them to the polls. >> that's fascinating to me. what you are saying is these pollsters may know based on some sort of exit polling? how can they tell if someone is mailing in a ballot early or standing in line early?
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is it all exit polling and they have access to that data? >> there are incredibly so he face tis sophisticated data about voters. able to use it not just to figure out who is likely to vote for them. as you early vote some of that becomes record in some states who has already cast a ballot. >> if we know in september. ' one of the states is september voting. they may marshall the resources. if you see them pull up states and pull out oof pennsylvania you can say wait a minute the obama campaign knows something about pennsylvania the rest of us don't know. >> that may be one way to determine how states think they are doing. what's important to keep in mind is that with this early voting who you are going to mostly turn out are base voters. if you are a republic or a democrat. if you are a liberal or conservative, you have probably decided by september who you are going to vote for. over two thirds of folks who are partisans already know who they are going to vote for. it's independent to wait until the last minute to really make
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up their minds. so even though you have a lot of early votes cast. those will primarily be from folks who have already decided if they are romney or obama voter. they have to wait for the very last election day to persuade those independents. >> fascinating. approximately 30% of all votes in 2008 were cast before election day and expected to be the same this time around. g.o.p. pollster, thanks so much for joining us. really fascinating. >> thanks for having me. >> let us know on twitter. find will you be an early voter? more mayors telling chick-fil-a to stay out of their cities? are they attacking christianity. rush limbaugh reacts to this. ever want to play gi joe? now you can drive a tank even if you don't have a drivers license. sent dave briggs out who is known to have driving violations: that's coming up.
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more 4g lte coverage than all other networks combined. >> well, the u.s. birth rate is the lowest it's been in 25 years. americans are not having as many babies as they used to. in fact in some chucky cheese restaurants you can actually hear yourself think now. that's how bad it's gotten. >> that would be a sign of the times if that happens. my gosh, if you have ever been there. >> i have. i love it. >> i just recently find photo of me at show biz pizza place back in the day. i loved that as a kid. speaking of chain restaurants. have you ever gone to one of those big chick-fil-as that has the mask kid area? >> no. >> take your kids. >> there all the mayors though may be trying to keep this out of think cities and a number of mayors coming out saying we don't want in this in our city. mayor bloomberg now because of the chick-fil-a controversy has said, wait a second. wait a second. you can't go so far as to have
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government intrude on keeping a restaurant out of a city because of an owner's political and/or religious beliefs. >> right. >> if you missed this controversy it started when chick-fil-a announced their support for traditional marriage. they do not back gay marriage. boycotts for called for across the country. >> it wasn't a restaurant that called for it, the president,. >> it the it wasn't the restaurant that called for it but there were several. that's important it's not the institution. >> they don't discriminate. the restaurant don't discriminate customers reportedly fire gay employees, the president of the company has come out absolutely against the marriage. what's happening now. mayor in boston said he would do anything in his power to keep them out of boston away from city hall. he has come back a long way on that. he can only speak from the bully pulpit. he won't do anything legally to keep them out. mayor of san francisco not backing down. we showed rahm emanuel there.
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he has spoken out against chick-fil-a there as well. here is what the mayor of san francisco is saying on twitter. quote: >> closest chick-fil-a from san francisco is 40 miles away. i strongly recommend they try not to come any closer. >> he can get away from this. think have a ban on big box stores and chain restaurants in the city. hard to be in the city limits anyway. hard to hard behind policy. >> part of the controversy is that everybody says why not just let americans vote with their pocketbooks? if you don't like what chick-fil-a's president stands for, don't go there. that is your option. >> if had you a chain that was giving money to pro-choice causes, would you have republic mayors saying we are kicking them out of our city? no, we don't do that with american business. we don't put them through an ideological purity test. here is what rush limbaugh had to say about this controversy on his show. >> that's a direct assault on christianity. that is a direct assault on
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christians. with economic punishment thrown, in including threats from government officials that are in clear violation of the constitution. meanwhile, this company hires gays. they don't discriminate. it's just that the owner happens to be a publicly professed witnessing christian. my god, you would think that he is the worst enemy chicago ever had. >> you have to love, folks, the irony. here is rahm emanuel saying that chick-fil-a doesn't represent the values of chicago. what are the values of chicago? chicago leads the country in political corruption, and i don't know if the murder rate
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if any other city is what it is in chicago these days, but maybe mayor emanuel is right. after all farrakhan are there and reverend wright reverend jackson, bill ayers. yeah, yeah, that's chicago values. maybe if the ceo of chick-fil-a were a gangster, maybe we would have a little bit more respect. >> there is rush's take on all of this. let us know how you feel about. this ff weekend on twitter. talk more about this coming up later. >> meanwhile get to your evidence lines. a lot of news to tell you. amber alert for the 4-year-old daughter of a murder suspect. police think this man kevin cleaves may have killed multiple people in quincy township. police could not comment how many people were killed or injured. people now looking for him and his daughter.
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they believe they may longer be in the area. call authorities if you know anything about this story. u.s. security foils on the lookout after another foiled bomb plot. intercepted by a double agent in yemen. shows that the explosive was upgraded with a more sophisticated trigger than found on that detroit jet on christmas day in 2009. the agency has changed equipment and retrained dog so they can detect the explosive. can you believe this a man in oregon getting 30 days in jail for having three reservoirs on his property to collect and use rainwater. harrington convicted on nine charges after a 1925 law which states that all water is publicly owned unless you have a permit. also fined more than $1,500, he says the government is being a big bully and he plans to appeal. i didn't know you could pay a
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fine for rain. let's go over for sports where there is a very special event happening dave briggs. >> it is a farewell to our intern here who is going back to college who is going back to college at villanova. a wonderful school in the philadelphia area. i often don't get to do sports. i'm envious of you on this occasion. go ahead and take it away. this is for your resume tape so don't mess up. >> thank you. former cy young award winner zach greinkey is headed back to the american league. the los angeles eagles making a big splash as the mlb deadline approaches. after acquiring c.j. wilson in the off season. the angels had a formidable starting rotation. with urban santana struggling and dan herron dealing with back problems. they decided they needed another arm. he is 9-3 with 50s. 3.4 era. and tivo time has officially begun.
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the new york jets opened camp in court land, yesterday. took snaps of the second team offense in his first practice with the team. he completed some passes but also took criticism for scrambling too much. today the jets will hold first practice that is open to the public. and south korean has set the first olympic weather for his performance in the 72 arrow archery event. what makes it more amazing is that he is legally blind. he has 20% vision in his right eye and only 10% as his left. as a side note the world's record he broke was set back in may and it was his own record. >> wow! >> that's incredible. >> nicely done. you have a bright future. >> i was saying wow not just about the archery record but about your performance. christine haggerty back to villanova. >> thank you. >> thanks for helping us out the last couple of months. >> thank you. >> better than your archery performance. >> and he is blind. >> legally blind. what's your excuse? >> and by the way her prompter
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reading was also better than my performance also. there you have it. meanwhile if you are visiting the state of new jersey it is voted the number one thing to do not first pump at the jersey shore. it's the festival of ballooning. our own rick reichmuth is there checking it out. >> he is full of hot air. hey, rick. >> we said what other people like to do. not what you like to do, alisyn. this is actually voted one of the best top 100 events in all of the country. a number of times. this is the new jersey festival of ballooning. i have got mcclinton here. tell me first of all what happens when you go to a balloon festival? >> well, we kind of invade the city. we are like traveling gypsies, we move in and get to meet probably some of the most fun people that come out to the festival pause those are the adventurous people that want to see what's going on. >> sometimes you show up at all of these events i go out and cover. 6:00 in the morning there is nobody there.
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if you look around here huge crowds, everybody is here. this is an early morning thing. >> we fly early in the morning and late in the afternoon. we pulled in this morning at 5:30. and there was probably already a thousand people here. it's amazing. >> this balloon,if you go to a festival, there is competition, that's what you where to start. this is the hare and the hound. and you are the hare. >> we will fly a couple miles over towards the south-southwest. when we land we will put a big x out the rest of the hundred balloons will come in and try to drop a baggy on t. >> if they do, they win money. >> they win money. >> this is competitive people making money doing this. >> pilots are competing for $15,000 this weekend. little more serious than throwing a baggy. >> that will do it. a lot of people coming out. people bring the families and their kids they can come out here and take rides on these balloons. >> there is a tether ride balloon over here go up and down about 75 feet. there is 100 balloons out here giving balloon rides.
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>> i know you are going to ask why we are not up flying. i'm talking but, clayton and dave. it's because if we go up. then we go some place. and we can't come right back here. right? >> exactly. >> that's it. >> they said you didn't want to fly with me. >> maybe that all right. guys. are you worried about any thunderstorms out there,. >> we are. not for the morning. thunderstorms this afternoon. >> probably midday. >> another round of it tonight. so you are hoping the thunderstorms are in between. >> they should hit around mid afternoon and be up in the air around 6:30. 7:00 tonight. >> good thing they have a weather guy there. >> be careful on the ground there, rick. >> we'll see you in a little while. coming up a facebook page supporting this guy? this is happening, is it legal? two sides to this story that you definitely want to hear our debate. if you need a release from the daily grind, don't talk to
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>> welcome back to some quick headlines for you. three former penn state players calling a report on penn state's handling of the jerry sandusky sex abuse scandal highly flawed. harris, blocker claim the report does not contain enough evidence to determine what former coach of joe paterno knew about this scandal and sanctions an fallout was wasted on this incorrect information they say. houston has been dubbed america's coolest place to live. the forbes magazine says houston is ultra trendy because it has lots of jobs. plus stylish restaurants. and galleries. although alisyn isn't it like 102 right there. >> who cares, sounds great, let's go. meanwhile need to talk about new developments in the auto roar are a movie theater massacre we now know that the suspect was being treated by a psychiatrist at the university that he attended. so what does that mean for doctor/patient privilege and
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confidentiality? joining us now is fox news legal analyst arthur aidala and defense attorney joey jackson. start with this. two issues we need to cover. this is also a fan page on facebook devoted to this guy. we will goat that in a. second. in terms of the doctor patient privilege, doctor, which one trumps which? keeping the confidentiality that a doctor has to do, legally or public safety if the doctor thinks that this person might go berserk? >> so, if the massacre took place and they did not know who did it, and he goes into a psychiatrist and says i can't believe i went in and i blew everyone away. my understanding is the psychiatrist has to keep his mouth shut about that. but -- >> -- really. >> if before he goes in to do it and says i got this plan, look at these blueprints and i'm going to go in and go out the back door and i have this a.k. 47 i'm going to blow everyone away and do it at the midnight show then he has got to go okay. just stay right there and call
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911 and call the troops. >> assume he didn't spell it out to that degree to a psychiatrist and we don't know. of course the mailing that he sent with six figures wasn't de -- stick figures wasn't sent until after the crime. what is a psychiatrist supposed to do. >> there are reporting requirements that have to be followed. you are deal with people who could be deminted, people who have mental health issues, listen, they need to be certainly evaluated and they need to be made to feel better, people have ailments, but if you are a psychiatrist and someone is taking and telling you about a credible threat or they are going to carry out something, you have an obligation under the law to report that so that hopefully you could prevent it, i think what we are going to see here is an examination of that relationship, was he being treated? >> i don't think just saying i want to kill somebody, i feel like i want to kill somebody. i don't think it's enough. however, i believe if he says i want to kill myself. i think then that triggers a whole other protocol where they do, the doctor is under
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an obligation evaluate -- >> -- meanwhile, just the fact that we know that he was being treated by a psychiatrist has upset his attorneys, shear a statement from them. the government's disclosure of this confidential and privileged information has placed mr. holmes constitutional rights to due process and fair trial impartial trial in serious jeopardy. do you agree with that? >> certainly you have to observe judgment until a trial takes place, gag other saying you can't talk about everything. if there are leaks it's not fair and not appropriate. the day after the crime, there was a facebook fan page set up for this alleged mass murderers with more than 800 followers. should facebook have to expunge that? no they shouldn't. you are allowed. the beauty -- if you want to be a jerk. if you want to be a moron, first amendment wise, constitutionally. if you want to burn the
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american flag, you can. are they morons? yeah, jerks. >> can't you also make the argument it can gin up violence. >> i think you can make tharg ament. facebook has an obligation to all of us. that obligation is is to make sure that information that's out there is information that is suitable. right? and you don't want -- this is a massacre. it involved a number of people. we have 12 people dead. we have five people in critical condition. we have 58 people who were injured. this was horrific. it's horrendous. when you have and you are sanctioning a facebook fan page for someone like that. >> the difference between a fan and them telling you let's go out and do it again. >> they're joking and picture and people at a movie theater they're saying i'm going to john holmes you whatever if you act inappropriately. that's wrong. facebook should know better, do better, be better and remove it immediately. >> if you want to be a jerk, you can be a jerk in the united states of america. welcome to our country.
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>> still ahead. nearly 300 million stimulus dollars spent to built this bridge. there is only one problem. you can't cross it get ready to play gi joe. drive the tank and don't even need a license. is it safe? well, we sent dave briggs out to test it and it's here today.
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>> all right. welcome back. we all played pretend war games as kids. but thanks to the folks at drive a tank up in minnesota, we no longer have to pretend you folks for a few hundred
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dollars can get in a real combat style tank. here is how they drive. >> is the roller coaster just not cutting it? we found the perfect way to break out of those summer doldrums. instead of the amusement park, try drive a tank where where for a few hundred bucks you can rent a vehicle not offered at hertz and make your gi joe dreams come true. >> adventure tourism in general like you have mentioned is growing at astonishing rate. driving tanks or other activities that people thought they could not do, just the ability to be able to do them i think is 90% of the reason. >> by opening a tank park and offering up the experience of a lifetime construction and heavy equipment contractor has minnesota from all over the world from moscow to saudi
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arabia and corporate outings to bachelor and even bachelorette parties. >> bachelor and bachelorette parties. >> you have had. >> ladies like big tanks too. >> ladies like to drive the tank too. >> absolutely. >> push it like a man, all right? [ laughter ] >> push it like a man. >> push it like you mean it. >> boys and girls, the bad news was welcome to my crew in compliance with minnesota state law these tanks have been deno firing of cannons or machine guns while driving. beyond that these babies are the real deal. straight from the cold war era. >> i have got to tell you, not only are these things intimidating in terms of their shear size getting them n. them looks incredibly uncomfortable especially for somebody 6'3". instead of your couch this is like a large uncomfortable
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metal bunker, these things weren't built for comfort were, they, tony? >> absolutely not. built to fight a war and destroy the enemy. >> largely foreign steering mechanisms and uncommon dimensions make this for a difficult but very enjoyable ride. it's easy as i can attest to get a little lead footed for this student driver to get carried away. >> two levers are your individual brakes. pull the right one to go right. the left one to go left. think of it as a two wheel drive car with a track wrapped around the driving wheel. if driving on or in any of these 11 armored animals through a 20-acre limestone quarry is not yet enough, fork over a few more hundred dollars to live out your monster truck fantasy. >> yeah. >> that felt good, alli. >> sweet right ride here behind me. dave are you tempted to go
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midtown manhattan right now. >> i could take apart fifth avenue traffic. rush two cars or crush a mobile home for $3,500, clayton, are you in. >> i'm in. i would totally drive down fifth avenue right now there are a couple of cabbies i would like to take out. sheridan tank in vietnam and gulf war as well. >> thank wounded warriors for hooking us up with this. drive a more "fox & friends" in two minutes. >> i'm hopping in. >> let's go. if there was a pill to help protect your eye health as you age...
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would you take it? well, there is. [ male announcer ] it's called ocuvite. a vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye-care experts at bausch + lomb. as you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. [ male announcer ] ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. now, that's a pill worth taking. [ male announcer ] ocuvite. help protect your eye health. [ male announcer ] if you want play in the same sandbox as luxury s.u.v.s, it helps to have an interior full of hand-selected wood trim and soft premium leather... and it doesn't hurt to have a selec-terrain dial that truly performs. ♪
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>> good morning, everyone. it's saturday, july 28th. i'm alisyn camerota. thanks for joining us. opening ceremonies for the games kicking off across the pond as they say but not without major controversy. live report from london straight ahead. new numbers show the economy is slowing and businesses are dying. now one congressman with a message for the president. >> take the heavy boot off the throat of america's job creators and let them breathe. [cheers] >> that congressman mike kelly coming up live on the program. >> plus, want to know the secret to a long happy marriage? well, just ask a divorcee. why they are giving out lessons in love. break down the tips coming up. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now.
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>> good morning, everybody. thanks so much for joining us. we can't wait to hear those marriage tips for what you should do to stay happily married forever. from divorcees. >> yeah they know what the problems are. we start with a fox news alert for you this hour. insurgent attack in eastern afghanistan has left two nato service members detected we don't know their nationalities. most of the troops are american. 42 national service members killed in afghanistan just this month. well, he calls himself a joker and police say it may have been a disturbing copycat attempt of that horrific movie massacre in colorado. neil press scott who you see here was in the process of being fired from his job he was arrested for allegedly threatening to go on a work place shooting spree at a pitnej bowes in maryland. handles mail for the house of
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representatives. the company says press scott worked for a subcontractor there. court documents reveal that aurora shooting suspect james holmes was seeing a psychiatrist at the university of colorado. holmes was seeing lynn fenton who studies schizophrenia. we also learned holmes sent a notebook to fenton which sent disturbing drawings of a stick figure killing other stick figures. cory booker wants a promotion. newark mayor says is he thinking about running for new jersey governor against chris christie or might run for the senate. democratic new jersey senator frank lawsuiten burg is giving up his seat in 2014 saying is he considering his options for the end of his term as mayor. well, the fundly funded 300-million-dollar inner built bring in ohio has hit a bump in the road a large part of the project is nearly three feet out of place. but a spokesperson for the department of transportation says it will not effect the
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safety of the road or up the cost. i wonder how it is scheduled to be completed in 2013 and replace ohio's current aging i-90 bridge. >> that sounds like a mistake like a misstake. little adjustment needed. let's talk about the economy not headed in the right direction according to new numbers out on friday that shows our economy actually slowing. what the number was is the g.d.p. growth which is down to it 1.5%. that is on a quarterly basis above projections. but the important part is it shows our economy coming to a slow -- or slowing down contracting a little bit not what this economy needs out of an election. >> a the love anger, of course, focused on the obama administration and representative mike kelly on the floor of congress yesterday getting a standing ovation and arousing speech basically saying it's time for washington to get out of the way. listen to this. it's a rare moment on the floor of congress, listen.
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>> so you want to know the price of regulation? you want to talk about the thousands and thousands of pages that we put on the backfuls of the job creators? you want to talk about your creating jobs in america? when you want to see a nation that doesn't want to participate but wants to dominate the world market, then let them rise. take the heavy boot off the throat of america's job creators and let them breathe. [cheers] >> you could hear there he got as you said that rouse -- it does sound like parliament. he got arousing response from his colleagues there. he also said these jobs are not red jobs. they are not blue jobs, they are let, white, and blue jobs. great for the entire country if we could get small businesses thrive better without regulations. >> they were chanting, u.s.a. it wasn't about the olympics it was about businesses. meanwhile about the olympics.
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talk about olympic coverage. we have full coverage for you this morning. covering it from every angle. opening ceremonies taking place last night. maybe it was a little boring. others saying it was fantastic, it was a home run for london showcasing the opening ceremonies there as the u.s. olympic team made their way. in wearing the berets and of course the uniforms created in china. a lot of controversy about that. >> then we heard from a lot of viewers saying lay off the berets our special forces the green berets wear these things with great distinction. >> there were lots of high fashion moments because so many top designers designed the uniforms for different countries. did you see what the check republic was wearing? >> no. >> they were in combat boots or maybe t was rain boots. i believe what can be
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described as skorts. i will bring you a picture. look around at other country's uniforms. >> many people are talking this morning about what didn't happen in the opening ceremonies. that ironically is the headline. what did happen is there was no moment of silence to mark the 40 year anniversary of the 1972 munich games. those of course famous unfortunately for the 11 israeli athletes and coaches that were murdered by palestinian gunmen. now, needless to say, israel, the president, president obama i'm saying, israeli leaders, hillary clinton, many others ask the ioc for a moment of silence to honor those families. the ioc said no. protocol does not allow for a moment of silence. they did have a video tribute honoring the a 2 killed in the suicide bombing down in the mass transit system in london back in 2005. but nothing to honor those victims' families from munich.
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bob costas, though, i think paid tribute in his own way. credit to him. >> that is the controversy. of course there were many highlights. there were great music round up. >> you are david beckham, you were excited about david beckham. this is a great highlight. because he really made a splash. he road down the tims on a speed boat. he looked like james bond. >> you tell me he looked like he was driving. but he wasn't? >> right. he looked awesome right behind this speed boat zipping down but the problem was as he is driving down there is some guy underneath him at the steering wheel actually driving the boat. >> smoke and mirrors. >> the moment the ceremony at love people feel when daniel craig, james bond and queen had a little video skit and then they were in an airplane. it showed them jumping out and parachuting into the games. obviously it wasn't the queen but it was one of the coolest
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moments. >> it was the queen participating. out of character for the queen. i mean, she is known for being so stoic. this is the most playful participation she has ever done. great moment for the brits to see all of that. >> much more on that live coverage come up a little bit later. paul mccartney. much more highlights as well. >> let's get to rick reichmuth who has a check of weather out there at the balloon fest. >> the money shot is happening right now. you got to take a look at this. the balloons are all taking off. 100 balloons here. this is actually the largest balloon festival summertime balloon festival in north america. it's here in reddington, nowbleg, about 60 miles or so east of new york city. absolutely beautiful site this morning as these balloons are taking off in a very nice morning for it because clear skies now. there will be some storms later on. let's take a look at the
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weather picture. we are going to look at at least warm temperatures starting off your day in and across parts of the central plains. but we are going to be dealing with that severe weather. here is your temps as you are waking up. quickly moving to take a look at the severe weather. it's right exactly about where we are in new jersey. center of that. but all the big cities from washington, d.c. up if new york city dealing with the threat for severe weather today. other story is going to be the high temperatures building in across parts of the central plains for your day today. we will watch that that's going to get hotter unfortunately and drier. guys, send it back to you. absolutely amazing view watching hundreds of hot air balloons take off right here on this beautiful morning in new jersey. very cool. >> that's pretty magnificent. >> i have always wanted to do that. always my whole live i have wanted to do that. >> i have never been in a balloon. >> we can make this happen. >> okay. good. >> meanwhile, let's talk about my favorite talking point of the day. that is advice for how to stay
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happily married forever. the advice comes from an interesting source it comes from divorced couples. researcherred studied over 25 years couples that were just getting married. it turns out that over the 25 years. 50% of them, this may not surprise you, got divorced. so the researchers asked them what happened? what went wrong? and their advice for how to stay married. number one, boost your spouse's mood. say nice things for your spouse. do nice things for your spouse. >> instead of cut them down and insult them? >> change my policy on what i have been doing with my husband. you are right. >> you know what boosts a spouse's mood. >> i will tell my wife she looks beautiful. when my son tells her she looks beautiful. she is through the roof. >> yesterday i said you are beautiful august the time. she went in the pizza shop last night and they said i look nice in the pizza shop i
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i say i say it he shoe says it's nice to hear it from other people. >> 60% of the divorces are about money. discuss it the not just during the marriage but, before you get married. discussion your philosophy. do you have separate checking accounts? what is your position on how you share money? >> that's a great point. don't avoid it just as it's a sticky topic. talk about it here is an interesting one. get over the past. >> that should be number one. >> get over the past because some people carry this bag bass damage. if you are going to get married put the baggage away and hide it put the baggage in the closet. >> number four don't blame your spouse when you are in an argument. blame the relationship. we not you, not i what we can do better. >> really? >> a lot of them said don't get divorced. a lot of these -- most of them said. >> you will regret it. >> try to fight through it try to go through counseling. try harder because you are going to regret it.
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>> try counseling first and then get divorced. that's what their advice. >> any time my husband and i are in a spat he is like we are only going to be married for 50 more years i go woo. >> that's a good way to end it. then you are like all right. so the small stuff about you leaving a drawer open doesn't matter a whole lot. let us know your tips on how to stay married. ff weekend. the truth about tarp. the bank bailout. the man whose job it was to police the government 700 billion-dollar bank bailout. says tim dwightner threw taxpayers under the bus. is he here next with proof. >> and can't get to the church on time. that wedding wagon is going to come to you. we'll explain how.
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like demolition derbies. and drive thru weddings. so if you're onof those people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day, block the acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first place. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zeroeartburn. >> welcome back, the truth about tarp. the guy in charge of policing the obama administration's bank bailout says treasury secretary timothy geithner threw taxpayers under the bus. >> and he is revealing all the details in his new tell-all book bailout. inside account of how washington abandoned main street while rescuing, wreeted. author and special inspector
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general in charge of oversight at tarp neil ba rofsky is here to explain. you say i hope we see people in handcuffs regarding what happened globally in layman's terms or as close as you can why and who should we see in handcuffs? talk about the most recent of the banking scandal the interest rate fixing scandal that one of the big banks barclays has skeletalled and investigation into others. the bottom line is that this is a fraud of just breathtaking scope. i mean there is no more -- there is no interest rate more important in the world than the one being fixed here. and finally, finally we need to see people in handcuffs, people need to go to jury trial there needs to be some level of accountability when these banks break the law. geithner? >> no. >> the traders. >> geithner is culpable but not in a criminal sense. culpable because he was told about what was going on back in 2008 and really didn't do anything to stop it in some
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ways even endorse it by using that fixed interest rate in some of the bailout programs that i was providing oversight for. >> these are some of the bombshells in the book. some of them you put up on the screen. home openers, we thought this was going to be a maximum amount of homeowners, balloon arm mortgages and suddenly coming to problemsenned at treasurely engaged in dirty tricks and lies. that's a great way of putting it. i'm a federal prosecutor at the time i went to washington. i had little experience with washington. i was really shocked when i saw how much power and control the bill wall street banks had over government and the treasury department. every critical juncture as i detail when a choice was being made. it was always to pick the banks over the little guy or
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the broader economy and over struggling homeowners. >> transparencies is s. at the heart of all of this in a big back and forth between you and tim geithner got very heated. going forward, who are we to believe? how do we fix this problem and next time around if someone like yourself reveals these secrets are we to ever believe what's coming out of our government? >> it's very unfortunate but we have to be skeptical what we hear. we have to test and demand nor information. trans (is i one of the key things i was pushing for. my belief that the american people were capable and smart enough to if they have all of that information they can make those decisions whether it's a good or bad thing. i got such push back. condescension they won't understand. when i pressed tim geithner to be more transparent about what's what was going won tarp money he threw a real tantrum. >> let's leave it here with this question.
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hindsight 20/20 was it a success or failure. >> tarp was successful in keeping the largest banks from failing to bring the financial system down with them but ultimately it was supposed to do a lot more than just shovel a bunch of money at a bunch of banks and keep them from failing it was ed supposed to help the broader economy and treasury made decisions not to require the bank or incentivize the banks to use it to help the economy. and most importantly it was supposed to help struggling homeowners. tarp does not pass through congress. doesn't get the votes necessary there is no bailout but for the promise to help home openers and help deal with that aspect of the economy which is still haunting us, which is still why we are in the doldrums that failure might be it were's biggest failure of all. >> are we headed toward another crisis. >> we are headed toward another crisis if we don't brake up the large financial institutions same incensives which drove us to the crisis in 2008 will do it again and if we don't fix our regulatory regulatory system. i was told point blank by treasury official if i didn't change my tone because i was
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critical of the administration and wall street that i was going to do myself real harm. and that if i played ball, it would be a great benefit to me. at the end of the day, that's the same that's facing every regulator. >> read the book it's called bailout. neil. thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> one media mogul just fired for being worse than oprah? >> our next guess says that's just not true. it's bad parenting and all parents are to blame. those little things still get you. for you, life's about her. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for ily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily
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>> welcome back. it's time for news by the numbers. first, $1.6 billion. that's how much facebook founder mark zuckerberg lost in one day of trading. that's what the company's stock plunging 11%. next, 20 year lows that's what's behind the resignation of cnn president jim walton. the once respected network now even behind oprah's failed ratings on the own network. wow, finally $99 that's how familiar it will cost to have the vegas wedding wagon come to you. it will pick you up, take you to your favorite sites and marry you on the spot. you don't even have to pay gas, alisyn. >> it is. >> bring drinks, too? >> every parent wants their child to be successful with grades worthy of the best colleges and awards lining the mantel. one psychologist says performance to perfection breaking point. challenge those parenting myths. >> teach your children well.
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parenting for authentic success. joining us now is best selling author is dr. madeline levine. good to see you, doctor. >> thank you. >> we need to focus long term not short-term. why is that important. >> everybody is concerned, parents are anxious about how their kids are going to do in this flat world and we have a loft competition. so, the concern is our kids won't do well. and everybody is afraid that if you don't give your kid a leg up in every way you can, that they will. >> at every step of the way. >> every step of the way. the problem is, a lot of those things don't work. so,. >> what do you mean? we're in this very item graphic that you are talking about. we have young kids and we do think they need to do their homework and be good at musical instrument and be good at a sport and need tox sell because how will they distinguish themselves otherwise? >> the reality is that all those things you just listed are out of sync developmentally with how kids
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develop optimally. i'm sure there is a whole bunch of other things that you do with your kids besides push them for example, baby einstein, remember that was. >> of course. >> everybody had a baby einstein, one out of three households. what did they find out about it? it actually retards language acquisition. >> oh my gosh. you think you are increasing their iq by putting them in front of these videos that stimulate brain activity and you are saying they had the opposite effect. >> they don't stimulates brain activity. what stimulates your kid's brain activity look at your kid mom. and kid wants to please you. it's not standing in front of a tv. >> tips this morning for patients to put this into action. see the child in front of you. recognize every child is different. i have three kids. you can and should treat all of them differently? >> absolutely. i have three sons. and one is analytic guy. one is a creative guy. one is a hands on guy. i think the problem in the country right now is our view of success is so narrow.
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that the analytic kids, the high performing kids does really well but we're really -- we pressure those kids and we kind of marginalize kids with creative talents. other kinds of threntsz. hands on talents. we have got to expand the tent so more kids feel good about themselves. >> next is focus on character and not on the report card and that's nice to say but don't they also need to achieve and get good grades? >> but everything i'm saying if you focus on having your child be part of a community, do the dishes instead of five more minutes of studying. understand that out in the world now i'm down by silicone valley, all the young turks of silicone valley are saying kids are have the skills but thy don't have the grit. they don't have the perseverance. they don't have the work ethic. they expect to be, you know, raised and given positions in three months before they have even gotten their hands dirty.
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>> yes we hear that all the time in the culture of entitlement. >> encourage successful failures, let your kids fail. it's okay if they make mistakes and don't overparent. finally have a satisfying life of your own. that's important. if you are not happy. you're probably not going to raise happy kids. >> the book is teach your children well. madeline thanks for coming in with all the advice. >> thanks. >> put it into practice alli. >> at 10:01 i will start to do that. >> democrats are trying to pass it without you knowing. wait until you see how they are trying to sneak this by you. >> scary moments for a child home alone. >> 11, what's your emergency. >> somebody is breaking into high house and i'm the only kid at home. >> that boy just 10 years old, how this one ended next.
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call your local allstate agent now for a fe quote or find one at 888-allstate. that's 888-allstate. >> and a little bit of chicken fries. >> cold beer on a friday night. >> wake up. background band. >> time for shot of the morning. national wing day. can i say it's national wing weekend. today you can get wings on our plaza but tomorrow at all hooters locations, buy 10 wings, get 10 wings free at hooters tomorrow. >> those are some nice looking wings. >> they really are. >> i'm reading dave briggs line. >> no, you are not. you are close. >> did you know hooters sells 4 million orders of wicks per year. we consume 780,000 wings every day. >> get out of here. >> that's not on the super bowl. >> 18,000 hooters girl we brought 100 of them today to
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you. that's our service this morning. >> i thought we had clayton outside. >> why would you not want me outside? someone said go outside clayton was there a restriction. >> last time we were here. >> you are welcome, ladies, you are welcome. >> let me serve it up to you guys. >> you serving me the wings? >> it doesn't cut it. >> that's a buzz kill. the boneless variety are my favorite. >> dave topped an entire wing. >> i said what happened to the bone. >> the bone shot out. is he that booed good at consuming. >> do this later. we have to get to politics in just a few hours president presidential condition date mitt romney will arrive? israel. president obama may be trying to steal the spotlight. fox news peter doocy is live in washington with the latest. hi, peter. >> hi, alisyn. the white house says they didn't mean to steal the spotlight from mitt romney by having president obama sign the united states israel
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enhanced security cooperation act just one day before the presumed republic nominee actually visited israel. the white house says that since congress already passed the bill, time to get it off the president's desk. some in congress are backing the white house up on that. >> >> that's not true at all. it's john boehner and eric cantor who set the time frame for this. >> the status of jerusalem is an issue that should be resolved in final status negotiations between israelis and palestinians. >> >> president obama also announced yesterday that israel's short range missile defense system, the iron dome is going to get 70 million american dollars to keep it up to date. and even though mitt romney opinions about the president's israel policy to himself while he has been abroad. earlier this week he said this. >> president obama is fond of lecturing israel's leaders. he has even -- he was even caught by a microphone deriding them.
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>> the romney campaign said yesterday, unfortunately this bill dogs nothing to address yesterday's evasiveness from the white house on whether president obama recognizes jerusalem as the capital of israel which raises doubt about the president's commitment to our closest ally in the region. and the jewish vote is going to be lead in the polls. no,not as big as the one he had in 2008. romney campaign is hoping their guy can start chipping away. back to you. >> we were talking about how this is the determining factor for a small percentage of people's votes. this is the issue. here are some other headlines. police in pennsylvania issuing an amber alert for the 4-year-old daughter of a murder suspect. police think that this man, kevin cleaves who you see here may have killed multiple people in quincy township there. police could not comment on how many people were killed or injured. police are now looking for cleaves and his 4-year-old
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daughter. they believe that they are no longer in the area. cleaves is armed and dangerous and possibly suicidal, please call authorities if you have any information. being seen as a move to challenge the u.s. russia now talking to cuba about housing navy ships. u.s. and russian relations have detier yafted since vladimir putin was elected president. russia has resisted efforts to stop the ongoing violence in syria. democratic senators led by new york's chuck schumer adding gun amendment to the cyber security act. the would ban possession and transportation of gun magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammo. super says he doesn't want to take away people's rights to bear arms but would rather provide some reasonable gun control measures. the senate is expected to vote on this amendment next week. well, a quick thinking 10-year-old boy foiling a burglary at his home. >> 911, what's the location of your emergency. >> somebody is breaking into my emergency and i'm the only
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kid at home. >> chris king was home alone when he he heard a brick smash through his window and the voices of strangers. he rushed upstairs and called 911 and he hid under a bed. then even scarier for chris he heard the burglars enter the room. >> i was just holding my heart breathing as softly as i could. their feet were like right there. >> that's terrifying. police arrived moments later. one of the two men was arrested. police are still hunting for his accomplice. what a smart kid. he knew exactly what to do. those are your headlines. >> it's a program to make sure that we never stop taking care of those who fought for our freedom. especially those who have fallen on hard times. anna kooiman joins us this morning with this program i never heard of before the g.i. go fund what is what's it do. >> a charitable group started by two patriotic brothers who lost a high school buddy in iraq. they were really inspired to give back.
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here is what i saw when i walked the streets of newark new jersey to help homeless veterans. >> 19. 66 now. >> homeless for almost a decade. gene anderson served on a gun ship during the vietnam war but couldn't find a job when he returned. >> i was honored when i was in the service. i had a lot of respect. when i came home, people turned their backs on me because i was in vietnam. >> it's homeless vets like anderson the g.i. go fund is helping with their midnight mission. >> my goal is to make sure we are getting them off the streets and finding them housing and connect them to it a front door key in their pocket. >> volunteers offer a bag of food and clothing to anyone in need. if they are a vote. information about veterans affairs, housing and jobs programs is given as well as healthcare. >> numbers are hard to gauge but according to the u.s. department of housing and housing and urban development in the year 2011 on any given
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night 67495 veterans were homeless on the streets. veterans account for 14% of the entire u.s. adult homeless population. >> vets are vulnerable because of the inability to find jobs. home foreclosures and many dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder. >> most all my people have died and gone in different directions. i'm pretty much a loaner. >> our obligation back here at home is to protect their families when they are deployed and take care of them when they come back home. >> g.i. go fund expand missions for not just newark, but philadelphia and washington, d.c. any given night volunteers give out about a dozen of the supply bags like that that you saw as walking the streets. >> 14% of our home lfs. >> and it really is hard to gauge. in fact this g.i. go fund they have numbers where they believe it's even closer to 25%. 14% is according to hud. >> we can do better. >> that is horrible number. >> i never heard of this. anna, thanks for sharing this story with us, appreciate it?
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>> thank you, anna. >> let's get to rick reichmuth. he is out very special opportunity this morning. rick, i am very envious what you get the opportunity to do this morning. >> you should be. at the end of the show i'm going to take off in one of these balloons if i play my cards right. that's because i'm going to say it right. the 30th annual quick check new jersey festival of balloons. in association with pnc bank. >> there you go. howard freeman here, you are the executive producer of this. you have a few people here. >> largest summertime balloon festival in north america. we're expecting 150,000 of our balloon aatic friends more than hot air. >> when you come out to the event and have this kind of crowd out here before the sunrises there has got to be something special. that's the if you inflate it they will come. this is just a precursor of everything coming this afternoon. 1:00 today we have the iconic. national dance troop.
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won all kinds of awards. 8:00 we have the balloons again at 6:3 o then it's a miracle tonight. we have the legendary smoky robinson. >> smoky. performing on stage signature events of the balloon festival. balloon glow. going to library up all the balloons. >> t rex how does this fly? it doesn't seem like a normal balloon. >> it's a lot harder to fly than regular balloon. arrow dynam particularly. 12 stories. comments from canada. we have balloons from three different countries from galaxy far far away. and darth vader and from 21 different states. we have 11 female pilots. that is one of our signature blubaugh's this year. and t rex flies a little more difficult than a regular balloon actually. >> i would imagine. >> great event.
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congratulations, good luck to you today, guys, much more coming up from the balloon festival. send it back to you. >> i want to fly in the dinosaur balloon. >> it's typical of you. >> i like that. >> pokey monday balloon. >> coming up on the show is the dream act just a dream for criminals? the president's plan reportedly being exploited to protect law-breaking illegal immigrants. the head of the ice agent's union here with his reaction next. >> you know him from the country music world as 2-foot fred. but he says he was able to change his life with the help of dave ramsey? we have a crazy mash up for you. fred is here to explain. eat good fats. avoid bad. don't go over 2000... 1200 calories a day. carbs are bad. carbs are good. the story keeps changing. so i'm not listening... to anyone but myself. i know better nutrition when i see it: great grains.
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driver and passenger were caught and arrested. soon thereafter they always end that way, people. >> they do. >> helicopters in the sky where are you going to run? fools. border patrol agent and president of the national ice council chris crane this week making claims that president obama's new immigration policy is not working. >> >> one agent said to me yesterday we have so many people telling us so many different things within our own office regarding what we can and cannot do that we don't know what to do and our managers don't know what to do either. we believe significant numbers of people who are not dreamers are taking advantage of this practice to avoid arrest. >> joining us now is the president of the national border patrol council union george. nice to see you this morning, george. how are these individuals able to go free as a result of this? >> >> i mean it's pretty simple. all they have to do at this
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point is follow recommendation by secretary napolitano. >> they can basically say anything and they are able to walk free. they are given this protection right now. here is what ice has to say about this. get to you respond. because the agency encounters more removing aliens. prioritizing resources removal have the greatest impact ton public safety and integrity of the immigration system. what do you say to that? >> well, i understand the reasoning behind procedure advertising. but this is not what is happening here. what we are doing is giving a free pass to a whole large class of individuals. >> how do you fix this? does the obama administration need to roll this policy back? especially if members of ice are saying that this is a problem for them and they are having to come forward and deal with, this what should they they do? >> it's going to be a problem. amnesty to be contact.
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that was administrative nightmare fraud running rampant. this is going to be worse because we are talking about a larger group of people. >> there is a lack of guidelines. when these individuals are arresting alleged illegal immigrants they don't know really what to do? >> exactly. at this time june 15th when president obama came out with this prosecutorial discretion, we have yet to receive written guidelines. you think that would be the main guideline to get let free. they don't have to qualify and therefore let me agents know about it? like i said that's the probable right now at this time, all they have to do it s. make that allegation and there isn't anything we can do. >> word spread fast. i'm sure everybody knows that's the allegation they
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have to make and they will be let free. george mccub bin thanks for joining us from phoenix to let us know about this. >> thank you. >> coming up on the show. rough, tough and green, ford taking a big gamble on america's most popular vehicle. the f-150 truck that's getting a bit of a makeover if you haven't heard. so will you buy it? getting rid of steel in favor of aluminum. your emails are pouring in about that. and 2-foot fred is a success in the country music world. there he is. guess what? he says he succeeded without government help. so what does he think about the president's you didn't build that comment? we're going to ask him coming up. here he is. ♪ while mom and dad dealt with the stretch ♪ me and the big man knew what was best. ♪
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out -- how my life has come full circle. >> while mom and dad dealt with the stress. ♪ me and the big man knew what was best. ♪ i love the life that i have been given. ♪ yeah, it's a miracle my life has come full circle. >> joining us now is the man himself 2-foot fred. nice to see you this morning, fred. >> thank you. nice to be here. >> even in the song my life has come full circle. the book is out now. you really dive through some of the problems, of course, that you had in your life after losing your wife, your restaurant went bankrupt. i'm sorry your mom passed away. >> i'm looking for a wife by the way if you are out there. i am looking for a wife. >> give us a call. >> i want kids. >> you decided to write this
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book taking us through this journey. why did you decide to do this? >> well, i felt like i had a story to tell. i had been through a lot of success. but the biggest component of success is failure. so i have been through a lot of failures. and a failure is different to everyone. it's very objective and it -- you know, i just felt like that there was a lot of people out there people in my scenario that felt very alone. i felt very alone at one point. >> you had troubles with the dwarfism and drinking. >> and from a business standpoint, to be honest with you. i felt very alone because i basically took my parents' nest egg and did what the rest of the real estate bubble did.
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and i overleveraged dave ramsey wrote my forward if i had known dave even ten years ago,. >> you might not have been that mess. >> the way i look at things is i might not be sitting on this couch right now. i might not have written a book. >> might not have hung out with kenny chesney and toby keith who gave you your nickname and john rich. >> actually john rich gave me my nickname that was misquoted. >> biggest names in country music are people you have played with. >> yep. >> from the lows you talked about to the highs i just mentioned what's the enduring lesson that people can learn from. >> perseverance. you have got to keep on keeping on. it's really -- it's really and truly about putting the day behind you. and learning from that day's events and going to bed and waking up understanding that god has given you a fresh, brand new day to do whatever
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you want to do with that day. and make the most of it. >> great great lesson. >> no matter your circumstances, no matter, you know, what. >> your challenge. >> you are living proof of this. >> he he also never took handouts. took advice from from dave ramsey. >> i'm sorry -- >> one thing that you wanted to talk about is that when you heard the president's speech about how you didn't build that alone or you didn't get there alone or whatever his message was had you some strong feelings about that. what did you want to say about that? >> i really did. first of all i want to say i have a younger brother toby who is also a dwarf. by the way his claim to fame is he an introvert. i'm not kidding. he calls me shorty. his nickname for me is shorty. i think i have more nicknames
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than. >> absolutely. you are called 2-foot fred. you are actually 3 feet 2 inches tall and you have. >> it's a family show. so 2-foot fred does not stand for my hat size. >> on the president's comments. >> hold on. take a quick break and we will hope to talk to you later on in the show. give us a couple minutes but again the book is 2-foot fred and she created a computer program that can diagnose breast cancer without surgery. she is only 17 years old. you will meet this it teen genius coming up. [ ding ] oh, that's helpful! well, our company does that, too. actually, we invented that. it's like a sauna in here. helping you save, even if it's not with us -- now, that's progressive! call or click today. no mas pantalones!
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[ male announcer ] this is our beach. ♪ this is our pool. ♪ our fireworks. ♪ and our slip and slide. you have your idea of summer fun, and we have ours. now during the summer event get an exceptionally engineered mercedes-benz for an exceptional price. but hurry, this offer ends july 31st. i have to know the weather patterns. i upgraded to the new sprint direct connect. so i can get three times the coverage. [ chirp ] [ manager 2 ] it's like working in a giant sandbox with all these huge toys. and with the fastest push-to-talk... i can keep track of them all. [ chirp ] [ chirp ] [ male announcer ] upgrade to the new "done." with access to the fastest push-to-talk and three times the coverage. now when you buy one kyocera duracore rugged phone, for $49.99, you'll get four free. visit a sprint store, or call 855-878-4biz. [ chirp ]
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>> good morning, it's july 28th. i'm alisyn camerota. team u.s.a. kicking off olympic game in much anticipated chinese-made uniforms. that wasn't the only controversy. we will explain. >> new numbers show the economy is slowing and businesses dying. one congressman has a message for the president. >> take the heavy boot off the throat of america's job creators and let them breathe. >> as can you hear that congressman got a riling standing o. what else he had to say coming up. he will also join us live in the 9:00 hour. >> forget about being built ford tough. the new f-1 auto being built ford green. will you buy it? it's an all aluminum instead of steel. your emails pouring in on this new f-1 auto. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now.
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>> welcome to "fox & friends" this saturday morning it's national wing day eating more wings. also kickoff to the olympics last night full coverage of all of the highlights. there were a ton last night we will get to. >> a lot to discuss. highs and lows and opinions range. >> i can't wait to see some of the opening ceremonies again. meanwhile and 2-foot fred is sticking around to follow up on what the president said. we will get to that in a second. there he is, hello. meanwhile, let's get to your headlines right now. a lot of news to tell you about. police have thwarted what appears to be a disturbing attempt to copy the midnight movie massacre by a man who calls himself a joker. police say neil press scott in the process of being fired from his job threatened to go on a work place shooting spree at a pitney space bowes in maryland. they found arsenal of more than 20 weapons at the pros scott's home. the company says press scott worked for a subcontractor and
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not at its facility in months. meanwhile court documents reveal that james holmes, the suspect in that horrific colorado rampage was seeing a psychiatrist at the university of colorado. holmes was a patient of lynn fenton apparently who studied schizophrenia. also learned that holmes sent in notebook which contained drawings of stick figures. agreement to regulate the global arms trade. united states asking for more time to consider new treaty. russia and china also asked for more time. this comes amid concerns that the agreement would restrict the constitutional right to bear arms. in a letter to president obama, and to secretary of state hillary clinton, a bipartisan group of 5 senators row posed expansion of gun control unacceptable. they said quote the constitutional protection of these individual free comes must not be infringed and we will oppose the ratification of any arms trade treaty that falls short of this standard. supporters of the treaty say it will save lives by cracking down on illegal guns.
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the federal judge delivering a huge win for religious freedom and blow to obama care to catholic on or abouts of hercules industries. they are a family business in colorado. they got an injunction to stop the obama administration's healthcare mandate. the heating and air-conditioning company say being forced to provide contraception coverage violates their first amendment right. your favorite "dancing with the stars" cast members are back. season 15 all-star cast was just announced and favorites like bris bristol palin sean johns and monaco are ready to make another run at the mirror ball trophy. fans get to vote for final cast member online. new season kicks off in september. >> you know i'm psyched for that. >> i know you are. you love it. >> i will take kelly monaco. she is my early favorite. >> we will get more analysis like that through the season. olympics. dive into this last night. opening ceremonies kicked off last night in london. there was a lot of pomp and
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circumstance. quite a few fireworks that went off as well. and the u.s. team, of course, arriving in their much controversial outfits the berets and chinese-made ralph loren outfits. >> we want to get your opinions or what they looked like. this was a very high fashion olympics. designers from armani. >> that was your take on it. >> armani, prada, stella mccartney. lorenz who designed chinese made uniforms it was a good looking crowd. can you weigh in on which ones you liked best. >> i found it a bit boring compared to the beijing opening ceremonies. beijing was more like a vegas-style show circle did he sue circle did i is i lay. told a lot of stories. >> yeah, mary poppins was in it vault mort. >> tell us how you feel about
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that we also want to hear how you feel about the controversy regarding. >> watch this. so this was a huge surprise moment because who is that daniel craig james bond in the current iteration james bond. who is that? the queen jumping out out of the helicopter into the olympic stadium. >> there after she parachuted out she walked in gracefully. the beautiful thing about this is that the queen was allowed to be playful. she obviously gave her permission. she participated in the funny video joke about this and they say that this is the most participation and playfulness they have ever seen because she is so normally stoke -- stoic as you normally see her. >> so as the olympic committee over the years. ioc that has been their protocol. that has been their excuse for never providing a moment of silence at the olympic games. 0 years later 11 israeli athletes and coaches beirut
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brutally slain at the olympics in 1972. call for moment of silence the ioc said no, that was not going to happen. the controversy didn't end there because they did do one. >> right because they did honor the 52 and they should have. they did honor the 52 that were killed in the suicide bombings in 2005 that came just after london won the games. there was, of course, that suicide bombing in their mass transsis system that killed more than 150 people. they paid contribute to that. the victim's family of the 72 munich massacre are outraged. where is the moment to honor what happened and family members who were killed and that outrage is not dying down. no medals happened out but the ioc managed to come out a big loser. >> everyone understands protocol but one minute? one minute moment of silence? what would that have hurt? >> in fairness bob costas who is carrying the broadcast commentary had been calling for this in the days leading um to this. he made comment about the ioc and said we should all pause for a moment of silence.
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and there was a pause. they went to commercial break. so in a way at least the u.s. representation of it there might have been a moment of silence. >> whether it's the ceremony or controversy we want to hear what you thought about the opening ceremonies at ff weekend on twitter. >> meanwhile 2-foot fred has stuck around with us. as you said you are a triple threat. entrepreneur, country music singer and author. >> and political analyst in a moment. >> political analyst how my life has come full circle. before we get to what you wanted to say about the president and his take on small business, something happened that was i have -- very interesting on the house floor where congressman mike kelly got up and talked about all of the restrictions and regulations on small businesses held up a big stack of paper. we need to stand up for small businesses. these aren't red businesses and blue businesses these are red, white, and blue businesses. let's listen to congressman kelly. >> so you want to know the price of regulation? you want to talk about the
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thousands and thousands of pages that we put on the backs of the job creators? you want to talk about creating jobs in america? when you want to see a nation that doesn't want to participate but wants to dominate in the world market? then let them rise. take the heavy boot off the throat of america's job creators and let them breathe. [cheers] >> going to speak to representative kelly coming up at 9:20. fred, you are a small business owner, you struggled, went through bankruptcy in 2008 with your business. you took umbrage with what the president had to say about you didn't built it on your own what did you think when you heard that. >> i was really disgusted and first of all let me say if they keep putting bills out like that, the only thing good about it is i can stand on them lawsuit before we know at this will be 6-foot tall. if they keep doing those bills. >> stand on all the regulations. >> i think the healthcare bill alone will make me 4-foot tall. >> your reaction to what the president -- >> -- i'm still a small business owner. i'm a cereal entrepreneur.
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my degree is intrurebship from ball state university. and i'm business after business after business. >> so you understand what he is saying or take issue with it. >> i take issue with it i take issue with the fact that i, you know, everyone he said that no one is in it on their own. well, is he telling me that i didn't work 80 hours a week. 100 hours a week when i had a restaurant? is he telling me that i didn't, you know, have to hire and fire people and spend hundreds of hours of learning how to do payroll because i couldn't afford to have somebody else to do it for me? >> the president came back and made a response video which was sort of unprecedented for this president. he did a video where he was talking right into the camera this campaign ad in response to mitt romney's taking, this they say, out of context. the president was saying in his defense he was saying that what we were referring to was a government-built things like the internet. we did it together. that we built roads together. and, therefore, that named you
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as a small business owner to be successful. you have a problem with that? >> yeah. because you know what? someone still had it to get out of bed and shovel concrete to build that road. someone still had to get on that computer and program the algorithm to work on the internet which was an individual. yes, might have been paid by the government but it was a job. and you know, it just -- it bothers me to no end how this president, who will go down as the worst president in the united states history had no doubt that the only thing good about president obama, is that he is ensure ago 16 years of a common sense president. >> well, it sounds like you, your life is living proof of individual initiatives. that you have overcome loss of challenges as we discussed in the last segment and you are here to tell the story about it in the great book. >> don't get me wrong i want to please say that i have had a lot of help along the way.
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in it wasn't for big and rich, john rich and big kenny, i wouldn't be sitting where i am now. i don't mean that people haven't had help along the way, but, you know, i'm the one that drove back and forth to nashville four hours, you know, twice a month to keep that going and get that started. i think it was very irresponsible and very unpresidential. i think it was probably one of the most dividing and and just utterly disgusting things that he has ever said and he has said a lot. >> you are not alone. a lot of people have been fired up about it. the point is that as you are saying, you did it with a hand up not a hand out. >> exactly. i want to say exactly that my brother and i have never taken a dime of social security disability, benefits, we have
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never taken a dime of any kind of government entitlement, period. >> you can read more. >> that's admirable. >> how my life has come full circle. 2-foot fred. >> tatatata. >> new concerns that the national security leaks are costing american lives. who is responsible? our next guest says they are not one, not two, but three leakers inside the oval office. he knows exactly who they are and they will tell us. >> they raided the wrong home. walking in on a beauty queen in the nude. really dave and clayton? how she wants to sue but does she have a case? >> look, we thought it was the wrong house. >> really? >> more from the opening ceremonies of the olympics that you don't want to miss that coming up. including this man, sir paul mccartney. ♪ ahhh, now that's a clean mouth.
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>> the president takes this very seriously, we all take it very seriously. preposterous to suggest that this white house would leak information for political gain. classified information for political gain. that did not happen and would not happen under this president. >> of course, white house press secretary jay carney continuing to deny that the white house or the president had anything to do with the
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national security leaks this year. despite all that, admirable william mccraven the man who organized the bin laden raid had very strong words about those leaks. livable. >> we need to do the best we can to clamp down on it because sooner or later t is going to cost people their lives or it's going to cost us our national security. >> so should americans be concerned that the white house is just denying the leaks instead of stopping them? here to way weigh is tony shaffer senior fellow with the center for advanced studies. always good to see you colonel. >> good to see you. thank you. >> you actually got the opportunity to go to congress and speak to them about these leaks. >> right. >> it seems theying all acknowledge who they think is behind these leaks who re he this. >> what's disappoint something i'm sure senator feinstein has the same information. there are three individuals whose names keep coming up. dennis mcdonough the national security advisor. tom donilin the national security advisor and john brennan. the counter terrorism advisor
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to the president. this is no small issue as admirable craven pointed out. this has already cost foreclosure nationals. we talked about that right here with you guys. what's more important is everything is flip flopped. we have issues which should be given to the american public regarding real threats suppressed and things like this. it's almost like these guys are drug dealers and if you got the right amount, you know, right access, if you are a hollywood producer or if you are a member of the press who will be writing a favorable story they give you a road map and go talk to folks. people like me don't talk to the press. when he was a operative i wouldn't talk to you y'all. these guys have been opening the door for folks like me to talk to the media to give the stories out. that is clearly jeopardizing national security. >> and you mentioned dianne feinstein the senator, of course, appeared to have acknowledged that these leaks came from the white house and then backtracked. why do you feel that happened? >> well that is an excellent question. this is not a left or right
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issue. as admirable craven said, this is about the -- admiral craven said. the leak so far resulted in dr. al frayed december capture and being tried. we lost or nets in yemen telling people how we were able to get ahead of the underwear bomber. this is critically bad. let me add to the fact that people like senator feinstein are actually working behind the scenes with the administration to actually go after people who say that they are incredible threats within our system. i don't want to throw fuel on the fire there are muslim radicals, the muslim brotherhood, kent franks and and congressman bachmann have said that, and frankly this is backed up by npr. npr talks about the fact hundreds of radicals being looked at. not a right or left issue. trying to look where the real threats are and trying to protect the secrets we must protect to be effective in conducting intelligence
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military operations globally. >> of course where does this go next? the dodge have appointed i -- the doj appointing two attorneys. thanks for the information. >> thanks for being on. thank you. >> a man handed a sentence you won't believe. he was slapped with life in jail and a fine for collecting rainwater. yes. then she just created a future program that can diagnose breast cancer without surgery. and she is only 17 years old. can you believe that? meet this teen genius next. [ male announcer ] while many automakers are just beginning to dabble with the idea of hybrid technology... it's already ingrained in our dna. during the golden opportunity sales event, get great values on some of our newest models. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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>> alisyn: 23 minutes past the hour. time for quick headlines. man in oregon getting 30 days in jail having three reservoirs on his property to, get, this collect and use rainwater. carey harrington convicted on nine charges under a 1925 law which states that all water is publicly owned unless you have a permit. and rough and tough and green, ford taking a big gamble on america's most popular vehicle the f-150 truck is getting a green makeover replacing its steel body with aluminum. your tweets and emails pouring in on this one. here is one from david. aluminum in the northeast, in central new york with all the salt we use in the roads would destroy an aluminum frame in no time. this is a tweet from john. i have 2006 f-150. i wish it got better gas mileage. i believe in ford they will perfect the best design possible. >> thanks alisyn. listen to this. this high school science fair winner created an app. that
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can diagnose breast cancer with 99% accuracy. how did she do it? and what's next for this 17-year-old? my gosh. >> joining us is britney, the grand prize winner of the google science fair that took place out there in pal at toe. nice to see you this morning. >> nice to see you, too. thanks for having me. >> congratulations on big victory. did you think you were going to pull it out. >> there were 14 other incredible projects there. i'm glad the judges whose who of science is recognizing my work like this. >> it is remarkable for a 17-year-old first of all that you know who is the who in science profession so you can recognize these individuals and thinking about my childhood, wow. your head is above that you got into the medical profession at a young age. you were fascinated by it and by computer science. what drove you to want to learn this? >> right. so when i was little my billings brother was born premature. i spent a lot of time in the hospitals. i really grew to idolize the men and women in scrubs. as i got older i really saw
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that when you could intertwine computer science with other fields of science, there was so much potential it. and in seventh grade i bought a programming book and decided that's what i was going to do with my life. with no experience i tried to learn how to code. then applying to breast cancer was really a natural evolution able to take my love for medicine and love for computer science and combine them to really create something that can save lives. >> i'm not all that bright, so i read through how the app. works. i'm a tech guy. i was thinking this is kind of over my head. so you can in layman's terms explain it to me like i'm a 4-year-old how your app. could actually save lives? >> all right. so the way it works, is i actually was able to teach the computer how to diagnose breast cancer. because of this, it can detect patterns that are too complicated for humans to attach. currently the least invasive form of breast biopsy for breast cancer is actually the least conclusive. a lot of doctors can't use
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them. using my app. the doctors are able to have this tool that can a k. detect these patterns and can make them more conclusive to the point where they are 99.1% sensitive to malignancy. >> let me get this right. you taught a computer. >> yes. >> wow. >> >> thank you. >> throw some statistics here on the screen for our audience to put this on screen how this it is effecting 225,000 women will be diagnosed this year with breast cancer. 40,000 women will die of breast cancer this year. 9 a% of all women are diagnosed are over 40. this hit home for you because you had family that was affected by. this tell us about that. >> yes. so i have had a lot of family men's and family friends who have had cancer and a few of them have specifically had breast cancer. so i when i actually started this research, my cousin had recently been diagnosed. and she is intermission now and doing great. it definitely gave me a that personal connection and just
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furthered my passion for this research. >> so, what's next for you, you have got the big lego award which would be enough for me. also got a $50,000 scholarship. you have looked at a few universities. what's next for britney. >> this year i won a lot of major prizes. i get to go to national gee graphic explorers and go to switzerland. i'm a rising senior, i looking at colleges, darted mouth, duke, harvard and visited stanford. not exactly sure where i will go. i really want to do undergraduate in computer science and biology and then be able to continue to medical school because i want to be on that cancer frontier finding the cures and helping treat patients. and it it's really working with a team that's making those break throughs. >> you are incredible kid. >> thank you so much. >> congratulations on your victory. >> thank you. >> the sky is the limit. we are lucky to have you in this country. maybe you should run for president. >> thank you so much. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> timing is everything. mitt romney heading now to israel today as president
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obama sent some big money to that country within a few days. coincidence? we're live in washington with the details. and the same is i that banned happy meals now wants to make it easier for people to watch porn at the public library. you won't believe this one. would you like to see america the beautiful? enjoy the spaces between sea and shining sea? then you belong at bass pro shops. check out great deals on great gear during our summer clearance sale.
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♪ here's my number. ♪ call me maybe. >> that was the u.s. swimming team's video. >> i'm worried about this surprise. >> the latest to go viral. we have a surprise for you. "fox & friends" has its own video, too? >> it's just the arm motions. ♪ come on. >> you sing it. ♪ ♪ i just met you. ♪ this is crazy. >> it's contagious it's stif doosie. >> it's certainly contagious. >> it's infectious. >> not viral infectious. >> let me just say that is the catchiest song ever. >> that's why there is like a farm version of it now. >> consummate ear worm.
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>> you are welcome, america. you will have that haunting you for the rest of the morning. >> peter doocy happens to be on the line. peter, we are sorry. what. >> peter, what do you think of your dad. >> he looked great. >> what have you got? >> tough act to follow. i'm not going to try to do that. >> come on. >> but on a more serious note. [ laughter ] >> peter. >> we are talking israel, we are talking romney's visit there and perhaps the president upstaging that visit, huh? >> right. mitt romney later on today will be in israel. but yesterday here in washington, president obama signed a bill designed to make sure that israel's military stays strong. and he also said that they are going to get $70 million for their iron dome short range missile shield. now this bill that he signed, had bipartisan support in congress. but now some are wondering if the president was trying to upstage his opponent's trip to israel with this ceremony. in the oval office. but, the white house says they are just working off congress' schedule and some in congress are backing them up.
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>> i think that the fact congress passed this legislation, bipartisan piece of legislation, and that it arrived at the white house in recent days, made signing of it this week, necessary. >> not true at all because it's john boehner and eric cantor who set the time frame for this. >> and the romney campaign says unfortunately this bill does nothing to address yesterday's evasiveness from the white house on whether president obama recognizes jerusalem as the capital of israel which raised doubt about the president's commitment to our closest ally in the region even though romney has kept his mouth shut about the policies. since he has been abroad. did he say this last week. president obama is fond of lecturing israel's leaders. even caught by a microphone
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deriding them. he has undermined their position which was tough enough as t was last week on "fox news sunday." prime minister benjamin netanyahu will receive mitt romney with the same openness that he received another presidential candidate then barack obama in 2008. back to you in new york. >> we would like to see the butter churn from you or whatever call me maybe. >> whatever it was. >> roger rabbit. >> that's where you don't have to move off of your seat. >> meanwhile do i have some head lines for you. let me tell you what's happening in the news, update to the news we have been telling you all morning. important one. amber alert in pennsylvania now canceled. 4-year-old girl is now safe. kevin cleaves was arrested by police in ohio and his 4-year-old daughter was safely taken into police custody. we're happy to report. cleaves was wanted in connection with a shooting in pennsylvania. he fled with his daughter and was considered armed and dangerous.
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it looks like g.m. may be increasing its risky loans to try to keep up with the auto industry. beam a fike co-credit score of less than 660 are generally deemed risky. that does not seem to phase g.m. in the first quarter of this year, 93% of people below that number still got loans. even people with the worst credit score are getting loans nearly 0% more than they did in the year 2010. this next story sounds pretty ugly. a former ms. nevada suing the l.a. county sheriff's department for allegedly breaking into the wrong apartment and eyeing her as she got out of bed when she didn't have any clothes on. the former beauty queen says that the deputies kicked down her door with guns pointed directly at her and her fiancee. she is also suing for sexual harassment. no comment from the police. those are your headlines. >> thanks, alisyn. for 30 years people have been flocking to new jersey from one of the largest balloon festivals of the year.
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our own rick reichmuth is there out in new jersey. rick, does this compare to the one that they have out in new mexico or is this bigger? >> >> i have no idea what you justaid. [ laughter ] >> i think you said. >> flames shooting above his head. >> new mexico or disco? >> don't worry about it. >> all right. yeah, this is the largest summertime balloon festival. albuquerque is in the fall. just to put that into perspective. i'm with barry and this really cool balloon that is a rectangle because it's in the shape of the american flag. an amazing balloon that had you built? >> yes, sir, yes, rick we did. >> you are a pilot. hot air balloon pilot. tell me why you built this balloon. >> this balloon was built right after 9/11 after my wife saw the planes crashing all around us we live outside of philadelphia. she wanted it built. she pulled the drawings out that we had from a long time ago and week later it was ordered. we have been flying it ever since. >> it's the largest flag
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flying balloon anywhere. >> any place in the world it is. >> there has to be some bigger challenges to flying a rectangular balloon that's not round. it's a little bit windy out here. >> it's a little tricky. we have the winds tossing us a little bit but you are manning it up. so am i. [ laughter ] >> the guys back in the studio keep on teasing me because we haven't gone up and taken off. but that's because once you let me tethers go we are gone. >> we are gone and headed for the fields out in northern new jersey. >> that's what we are going to do next hour it is going to happen. but, dave, we can't do it just yet. but very cool. beautiful balloon. thank you for what you are doing to honor what happened as well on 9/11. dave, we will send it back to you. >> guys, is your home or apartment a cluttered mess? if so, you are like me and you are not alone and mike from home depot is here to help us all out with that maybe the summer is the good time to say to yourself let's do it.
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let's get organized. get all the clutter together and make it look nice. >> we normally think about spring cleaning but it's been so hot outside people are kind of stuck in their houses. why not take that time and be productive and get organized in your home. >> productive. >> productive? >> yes. when we think of storage and organize we normally think about putting stuff in boxes and storing it long term it also applies to things you see and use every day. >> that's where this furniture comes into place. you still want to organized when it comes to displaying knickknacks and things around the house. >> beautiful pictures i may add. >> incredible pictures of people that are in your life that are you are maybe fond of. >> you brought this in from home. >> i have a whole collection of these just in case one gets damaged just like you. >> but we have lots of home depot furniture. we have had furniture at home which is our furniture line and also home but never had it in the store. now we have got this set available in the store. if you want to actually go look at this, you can. this is from the brexly
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collection. we have got the shelf. the shelf for the wall and the desk. now, this is, again, from the brecksly collection. black. >> you put it together. >> 30 shelves. try to lift that desk. this is a very sturdy, heavy desk. >> also from the collection. same design, same x design. really huge drawer in the front. so those are from that collection, again, lots of other pieces that you can pick from. we have in this chair and this rug. look at this cool rug. very easy to put a collection together and look organized and stay organized. >> and that's for your living room. >> yes. >> and here we are going to go more to the garage, the basement, maybe? >> yeah you can use these in all kinds of places. this is great. this is hgx plastic shelf. this comes in pieces but this literally snaps together in about five seconds. all of these just snap into
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place. one thing they have done which is cool if you is eon the bottom they have added feet on this incorporate this. if you have gotten this in the basement and had any type of water issue. this lift up and keeps t dry. this is great. >> i had these in my basement in my garage, and even these can be put together in five or ten minutes. >> these go together with no tools. this snaps together with a rubber mallett. you snap that in place. this will hold up to 4,000 pounds. so this is really nice. ed sell. 72-inch shelf. $66. really really sturdy shelf. made of steel. >> store power tools whatever you need on there. >> and lastly? >> lastly we talked about just storage in general. we have had this on before. this is really popular from martha stewart living. this is cubby. you get the cubby itself which is just a shelf. some of the shelves have a back. some don't which is an interesting look. you can add these felt containers. they are fantastic. fold up, store them themselves folded up don't take any space. open up and piece goes into
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the bottom which keep t in shape. >> might work well for my kid's toys all over the house. >> finally of course these totes. ail sorts of different sizes and shapes of totes. the great thing about most of these they are made to stack. grooved at the bottom so they stack. really easy to lift. a lot of people like we have got them in the colors which are cool that can help you to actually get organized. come up with a system different colors for different things. also got the clear ones. if you have a to be of these on a shelf it's good to label these but also nice to be able to see what's in there. if you are looking for something in a hurry, instead of reading all the labels people like the clear coat. >> better than the cardboard books. >> yes. >> you inspired me. i'm going to do it? >> you said that before. >> you have heard that before. home depot, thank you sir. >> we have heard that before. >> we're not going toold you to it. next on run down. same city that banned happy meals make it easier for people to watch porn at the public library. fair and balanced debate. >> don't be fooled on the f
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library trying to make t easier for watch pornography. privacy screens for some of its computers so only the person in front of it can see the screen. some say it will make it easier for people to view adult content in a public setting. joining us from a fair and balanced debate is the executive director of reality in the media dawn hawkins and fox news contributor tamara holder. ladies, thanks so much for being here. dawn, i want to start with you, why would the public library want to make it easier for patrons to watch porn? >> part of the problem is that the american library association and the aclu often disseminate misleading information to libraries. they claim that having filters on libraries is a form of censorship even though the u.s. supreme court and many laws laws have been upheld saying that libraries have the right to filter. it just tells libraries that they don't have the right to filter. that's part of the problem. >> interesting. tamara, what's happening here. is patrons are going to
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libraries, public libraries around the country and they're watching nudity, and they are watching some x rated things and watching pornography and obviously there are children and families there that are catching glimpses at the same time. what do you make of this? >> first of all i think watching pornography at a library is creeping. okay? but we're having a legal discussion here and the legal issue is that you can watch pornography in a public place. it is a first amendment right. and, you know, i'm not part of the supreme court. i didn't make that law. i didn't make that rule. and that's what people on moral side are mad about. look, if you want to watch pornography, i think you should do it in your own home. but, at the same time, the public library allows for those things to take place. >> bill: okay. >> if you don't want your kid to see it, don't take your kid to that area of the library. >> remember, taxpayer money goes into the public libraries. so, in other words, taxpayers are sort of unintentionally subsidizing these screens that
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make it easier for people to watch adult content. >> exactly. and part of the problem it's not just that they are watching that adult content it's what they are doing while they are watching. there are countless stories with men are going and watching pornography and masturbating and showing themselves to patrons and stocking librarians and children. many stories of where patrons are viewing pornography and then they take children into the library. rape and molest them there is a problem here. >> i have studied sex offenders, i have worked with sex offenders, sex offenders are going to follow and stock whether it's in a park or a public. >> do we want them coming into our lie wrear and attract them. >> have a duty to arrest people who are doing that. we're not talking about illegal content here. >> let me just read to you -- >> -- the problem is that t isn't illegal content. >> not fool proof and block material that is done
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constitutionally protected. filtering may censor important information and materials that our patrons need. have to leave it there. dawn hawkins tharption for this debate. obvious there this issue is not going away. mean while still ahead more mayors telling chick-fil-a to stay out of their cities. are they really just attacking christianity? well ann coulter is here to weigh in at the top of the hour. dave is chatting her up there then, you think that you are eating a salad because it's good for you? think again. the five worst salads. they are worse than a big mac. mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943.
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>> welcome back, everybody. here is the top stories on our web site. for your health. not switching off your
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computer or tv before you go to bed. could make you depressed. new study in animals found exposure to dim light caused less energy. a lot of appetite and more stress as did i the olympic games last night. if you don't watch what you eat, your kids could pay the price. to two studies suggest a poor diet can alter your d.n.a. putting your kids and grand kids at risk for obesity and diabetes. clayton? >> thanks, that brings us to our next segment. if you think about ordering a salad on the menu you think that's got to be the healthiest option. think again. sometimes a salad can be just as bad or worse for you calorie wise than a big mac. >> what? here are some of the biggest offenders nutritionist. this is a great segment because obviously all of us think we will get the salad. we are making a responsible choice. you found them to be loaded with fat and sodium. talk about this first one. people love the southwest fiesta salad. >> hit the trail with the
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southwest salad it also goes by the name of a fiesta salad. it's essentially a a deacon instructed taco. piled on with guacamole, sour cream, chilly, cheese even tortilla chiches. it places this salary anywhere between 800 and 1200. >> this is tortilla chips alone can end up being hundreds of calories. >> absolutely you don't recognize it you think you are ordering healthy by doing the grilled chicken before you know it you are eating almost three big macs the worst offender had 1400 calories, 92 grams of fat. >> 92 grams of fat. >> talk about something i see people order all the time because it's grilled the asian grilled chicken salad. what's the problem? >> switch cultural gears and go with an asian salad and you are looking at healthier type ingredients with nuts and cashews and the like but you have also god a sodium rich dressing and crispy friday noodles, again this salad around hundred calories. >> healthier with the cob
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salad not the case. >> also got that hollywood allure. very famous salad original nalgt in hollywood. very popular. you have grilled chicken but you are looking at bacon. looking at eggs. looking at the thousand island treasuring or the like another 1200. >> people on low carb diets they think chef salad answers all their needs what's the problem. >> they take a healthy base about 100 to 200 calories worth of greens and pile on 8 ounces of meat, cheese, and egg. and couple that with thousand island or ranch dressing and looking at more calories than a stack of pancakes. >> now, this is alisyn's favorite salad. she orders it all the time the greek salad. >> i think it has everything. low fat, get that, that's a less fat tenning cheese what's the problem. >> you have to say that is disappointing it's a favorite for many. it's workable. it has healthier ingredients watch the addition of the get that cheese, the stuff grape leaves and how much oily
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vinegarrette dressing you are using. moisten the salad and use sparingly. >> 800 calories. 550 to 600 calories the big mac. most of these salads have more calories than a big mac. >> two to three big macs. >> thanks for all the information. good to he so you this morning. >> thank you. >> still ahe, this video is horrifying, killer whale dragging a trainer under the water. according to one of those trainers this happens more than we know. they will will join us next. >> then, were mitt romney's olympic comments really a gaffe or are other countries used to a president who panders? ann coulter is early. she is early, she suspect early and fired up about. this she doesn't think it's a gaffe. we'll get to her in a moment. ♪ eat good fats. avoid bad. don't go over 2000... 1200 calories a day. carbs are bad. carbs are good. the story keeps changing.
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>> good morning, everyone, it's saturday, july 28th, i'm alisyn camerota. some are telling chick-fil-a to stay out of their city? are they really attacking christianity? ann coulter is next. >> dave: and businesses dying, a congressman with a message to the president. >> take the heavy boot off the throat of america's job creators and the threat them
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breathe. >> dave: that congressman that's fired up the house, here live this hour. >> clayton: glad we don't have phone books anymore, too heavy. he spent 27 years behind bars for a crime he didn't commit, but he's not angry, he's singing the country's praises literally and sang the anthem at a major league baseball game and going to sing live for us, "fox & friends" hour four starts right now. ♪ >> good morning, even, everyone, thanks so much for joining us, perhaps you stayed up late to watch the olympics. we have some of the highlights that we will be talking about. >> dave: i did, did you. >> alisyn: yeah, i did, i never do. >> dave: interesting. >> clayton: we'll show you david beckham arriving on the speed boat and a james bond and a queen jumping out of a helicopter. >> dave: speaking of queens, ann coulter.
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>> alisyn: not sure that-- and shutting down part of the pipeline delivering canadian oil to the refineries to the u.s. that happened in wisconsin and they're investigating, around 1200 barrels of oil may have leaked and the company says it's treating the spill as a top priority. and two years to the day that enbridge had another oil spill on another part of its network. he called himself the joker and police say he was getting to go on a workplace rampage in maryland, a week after the colorado movie theater massacre. and neil prescott in the process of being fired from his job, arrested for allegedly going on a shooting spree at a pitney bowles office, investigators discovered more than 20 weapons at his home. pitney bowles worked for a
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subcontractor. and a james holmes was seeing lynn fenton and said schizophrenia, documents revealed that holmes sent notebook messages, disturbing drawings of stick figures killing others. we know where the democratic congressman jesse jackson, jr. has been after a mysterious medical leave, in mayo clinic he's treated for depression, his office originally said exhaustion, he's currently under an investigation for rob blagojevich. the belt bridge in ohio hit a bump in the road. ohio department of transportation, the project is nearly three feet out of place, and is that a crossover bridge. a spokesperson for the department of transportation says it will not affect the safety of the road and delay
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the completion and it will replace ohio's current i-90 bridge, the way it is now, it's not going to work, i know that. >> clayton: you can't drive over that. >> dave: and good work. >> clayton: let's bring in ann coulter and peel her away from her typewriter, she's working on a new book and feverishly working. >> thank you, nice to be back. headlines this week, and perhaps more than they should have been. mitt romney headed to israel today and first in london of coursen and derided as having a bad trip to london and people called them gaffes and made comments about the security in the olympics. and you don't see it as a gaffe, why do you take um bridge. >> one thing you'll notice and i heard people talking about the gaffe, and metaphors, but i could never hear what he said. and right now, even try this at home. put in romney gaffe, and your
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computer will explode with what he said about the olympics. but they won't tell you what he said. so, it's probably not that bad a gaffe, and i heard it one time on tv if you guys want to play it later. what he was-- it was a little bit of a gaffe in the sense that he's he not a politician, you're always-- and whoever you're talking about, but people say we don't want a politician we want a business man we want a fix-it guy. 's a fix-it guy, an organization, the one time i heard it on tv mountains of commentary on it and going through what were actually serious problem and they said how is it going and-- >> he listed security problems he found disconcerting. >> the fact that he knew about that, don't you want him in washington. he's not running the the olympics and he has it in his head and he wasn't particularly critical, he knew them all, he knew what the problem was, i think that's what we need in washington
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right now. remind me of that guy-- >> why not say that, why not own it. >>'s not a politician. >> dave: why not own it instead of running away from it, a stark contrast to what barack obama did in 2008 when he went abroad, thousands of screaming europeans, germany wherever he was and some would accuse him of pandering. should mitt romney do that, had it worked for him, the outreach that barack obama did overseas, hasn't worked for us. >> i think that generally when huge crowds and germans come out and cheer wildly, that's not a good leader, it's been a danger sign in the past. >> alisyn: talking about the rock star reception. >> i'm not dtdz i know exactly what he's talking about, and that was the famous-- no, i mean, i think that what he said, yes, in politics, but who cares, we say we want a nonpolitician and this is what his mind is like,'s a bain
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consultant and he knows the problems. >> clayton: but there were issues behind the scenes in the romney camp some members of his staff don't want him to europe, and doesn't help to talk about the economy in the united states and other members of the romney staff did want him to go, problems. >> it's good to have him out on the trail at all. up until about a week ago he seems to have taken time off after the primary, but it reminds people of his magnificent success with the olympics and virtually bankrupt and turned it around because he's the bain consultant and which is why this, i don't even think this is a particularly harmful gaffe for him. >> dave: i don't think domestically, i think overseas. >> talking about the churchill bust, a problem with president obama, and rude he is to the british. >> dave: a big back and forth on that on friday with dan pfeiffer, and marco rubio, several hours out on the
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stump. rudy guiliani weighed in and said the most exciting pick would be rubio, i know you're still a christy guy, but a large camp would-- pardon me, double down on vanilla and rob partman, where is your money now? >> i'm not good at predictions i like the idea of rubio, i go back and forth i hate giving the impression of ethic pandering, on the other hand, rubio has been so good and on the book tour and a the lot of speeches and read stuff he's written, he's really young, i don't think he shaves. >> that was rudy guiliani's point, that that would actually be great to bring in that demographic because he's so young, fire up young excitement. >> he's so good. that's why i-- >> i do think he would be a good choice, i love chris christie, i think it's a problem to have two governors, you need somebody who's worked in washington and i hate to lose rubio in the senate. >> that's an important point,
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many people show, governor huckabee included that being vice-president is just being an inflated spare tire and that's-- >> it's not that much different from being a senator. (laughter) >> that's a positive plan. >> that's why a lot of people don't like, like mark warner, governor of virginia, former governors hate being in the senate. and-- >> executives. >> and only deal with talk. >> alisyn: let's talk about how mayors have been talking a lot. the mayors of san francisco, philadelphia, new york, boston, have come out against chick-fil-a. >> not new york. >> alisyn: you're right, and actually said that-- >> oh. >> bloomberg on friday protected their right. >> alisyn: a great point. so these three here have basically said that chick-fil-a is not welcome in washington, because the president of chick-fil-a has conservative christian values when it comes to he's against
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gay marriage. so-- >> as are the states of the people of all 37 or 36 states that have voted on it. >> clayton: do you agree with mayor bloomberg in his comments on the radio show it week at the end of the week, look, it's not government's role to pick winners and losers when it comes to the personal views of the organization of organizations. they support gays and even rush limbaugh support gays, they hire gays. >> yes, and we will see the pressure, the political pressure coming from one side and you'll never see a republican mayor or governor doing something like this. and some small town in oklahoma puts up a war memorial with a cross on it. there isn't a single person in the entire state of oklahoma who disagree. the aclu from manhattan will parachute in and demand that it be take be down. it's never jerry falwell
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flying to new york demanding the parade. >> is it an attack on christianity. >> oh, yeah. >> legally no leg to stand on, right? you cannot keep a business out because of political or religious views, it should end there? >> it should, as that magnificent clip you've been playing from magnificent congressman all morning. >> he's been up every sunday. >> he's joining us in ten minutes. >> fantastic. i heard him on rush limbaugh yesterday and limbaugh was playing that clip and i'm telling you anyone who listens has been saying that. and it's easy to tweet that. if that's the control that the government already has over business, yeah, they can probably keep chick-fil-a out and say it's because of the guy's christianity. and say you don't have a-- >> or using -- ann coulter peeled herself away from the
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typewriter. do you use a typewriter or a computer? >> a quill pen. >> alisyn: thank you, appreciate it. out to rick reichmuth, who we believe may be sky high. >>. >> rick: not yet, i'm grounded, but that will be changing in a half hour. and i do want to talk about the weather, guys, because there is a chance of severe weather, and right here. this is video from earlier this morning, when all the balloons took off at one time. and such an amazing sight and a perfect morning for it, at least taking off the wind was light and the wind has picked up a little bit and there is a threat for storms later on and see where the threat for severe weather it, it's here across jersey, from new york city, actually, now extenting farther to the south, down to parts of south carolina, and they have extended this prediction center down through south carolina and mostly this afternoon and mostly we're talking about wind. take a look at the temperatures today and you'll
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notice another hot day across the plains, and talking about the drought for the last number of weeks, unfortunately, the heat is there and take a look what happens for the next three days in across the plains and here is today's highs across from nebraska down, and we're talking a big area in the triple digits. go to tomorrow and you're going to see another day where we've got the triple digits and suppose today get to 109 omaha, 107 and monday, you can see the heat beginning to stay here and we're going be to be talking again, 109 in tulsa and 107 in oklahoma city and 107 little rock and heat continues. no rain, that drought expanding this week is going to continue to expand i'm sure for the next week as well. unfortunately. much more coming up here at the bottom of the hour, guys, including finally taking off on a balloon. >> alisyn: fantastic, can't wait to see that. >> dave: fantastic, buddy. >> clayton: going around the world and rick will be back in january. >> dave: see you, rick. >> clayton: new numbers show
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the the economy is slowing and businesses are drying up. now, one congressman with a message for the president, the one ann coulter was just referring to, listen. >> take the heavy boot off the throat of america's job creators and let them breath breathe!. >> clayton: that congressman is here next. . >> alisyn: and the white house says he was dead to them, but now new york mayor cory booker is looking for a promotion in washington. we'll explain. ♪
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that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and it's also why, with our partner in brazil, shell is producing ethanol - a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane. >>a minute, mom! let's broaden the world's energy mix. let's go.
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>> new numbers showing the economy is slowing and businesses across the country are drying up. now, one congressman with a message for the president. >> you want to talk about creating jobs in america? when you want to see a nation that doesn't want to participate, but wants to dominate the world market then let them rise, take the heavy boot off the throat of
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america's job creators and let them breathe. >> the speech brought the house floor to its feet the at least on one side of the aisle. what's his next move, pennsylvania congressman mark kelly joining us this morning, great to see you this morning, congressman. >> great to be with you, dave. >> dave: were you stunned with the reaction on the house floor and across the country. >> i was stunned by the reaction in the house floor, but the country, people like me i'm a small business guy and a job creator, when you see the layers and layers of regulators don't provide much value, but add so much cost to what we're doing, and we've got our guys in london or in england participating in the olympics. we don't want to participate we want to dominate the olympics, and the global economy, america with everything the creator provided should be dominating right now. they're overzealous and add too much cost and takes us off the playing field and makes it too hard to dominate the way
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we should be dominating and i think that's the message and most of my colleagues feel the same way. it doesn't matter if you're miner, banker or baker, and the regulations put in place by people who don't do what they do and don't have any idea of the cost and yet continue to do it day after day after day, not good. >> dave: you talk about the olympics. your speech had had chants of usa, usa following it, may have been the most stunning part of that reaction. but, regulation is nothing new for washington. what are these regulations today that are hurting small businesses in this economy? >> well, you can look at almost any segment of it. and i talk to my friend in banking and i show a piece, listen, 1100 pages and that's just the definition of who a qualified borrower is, my banker lives across the street, known each other all my life. he's got running footage, he
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knows if i'm qualified. talk to people in health care, in the insurance business, the manufacture the miners, they're overburdened with regulation and keeps you off the field and uncertain what your future it. you're always afraid na somebody's going to come walkening from the government. you know what, we're taking a look and you're not complete in compliance, we're going to shut you down and put a railing around the top of the paint room when osha come in why would we have to do that. >> somebody would fall off. >> how would they get up there. >> that's not the point, you've got to put a railing up there, no remedial effect, it drives you to the point of staying on the sidelines, not being able to dominate in the field you're in and gives you the real-- the problem, the uncertainty, what are they going to do i've got a boot on my throat, i can't breathe. >> dave: you're matching your rhetoric with legislation, the reduction small business creakses act, tell us about
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it. >> what we feel is until we get unemployment down below 6%, there should be no more regulations and look at the regulations on the board right now and see what are the unintended costs and ultimate costs and back those off. all we're trying to do is make it possible to clear the field for our job the creators, for our small business people to have great success in this country and when we do that, you know what happens? revenues rise because businesses become more profitable, we hire more people and they are able to do what they want to do in their life. and two philosophies, a government that overregulates, versus people that can rise and meet any challenges put before them. >> your message resonated on the house floor and across the country, congress, good of you to be with us this morning, thank you. >> dave, thanks so much. >> coming up, it's a shocking video from sea world, a killer whale turns on his trainer. who is to blame?
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the calor whale or the compa company? that's next. sales event, get great values on se of our newest models. this is the pursuit of perfection. [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where you don't back down from a challenge. this is the age of knowing how to make things happen. sowhy let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 milon men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor.
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>> and welcome back to quick headlines now for you. an autopsy now confirming that an ex-wall street trader killed himself with cyanide and you're watching him do it on camera. he was seen swallowing a pill minutes after convicted burning his house down. he's facing prison. and calling a report on penn state's jerry sandusky sex abuse scandal, not enough evidence to determine what former coach joe paterno knew about the scandal, alisyn. >> alisyn: take a look at the video, it's chilling. a killer whale take ago trainer by the foot and
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dragging him underwater nearly 15 minutes. incredibly the trainer escaped and survived and it's part of a lawsuit in the death another trainer, dawn brancheau. and there's a book on why it happens. "death at sea world", and david how are you. >> i'm well, thank you. >> alisyn: and the trainer was pulled underwater for 15 minutes by a killer whale and luckily had a vest on with oxygen. what do you know about the story? >> and this whale had dragged her train e-underwater and the third incident and in every instance, she heard her calf in the back pool calling for her and this was her way of saying i need to tend to my calf i don't want to be in the front pool in a show and
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basically took him hostage and held on to him and tried to tell him, i am not happy right now. that's my interpretation. >> of course, there was a tragic incident we referred to in which dawn branchchlt heau was killed pie the killer whale. you have been investigation what happens, and sea world the past couple of years, what have you learned? >> i've learned that the whales even though they act predictbly 99% of the time in 100 interaction, they can go off control and act in ways that are unpredictable and can be dangerous and hazardous for the trainers and learned that the whales in the wild have tight family bonds, extremely intelligent and swim up to 100 miles a day and take an animal in that and put it in basically a swimming pool, you would expect that animal might get stressed, might get bored
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and neurotic, it doesn't happen to every killer whale in captivity, but 15% of the whales in sea world's collection have acted out in this manner against the trainers. >> are we getting the whales from the wild or getting it from other countries after they've had incidents with whales. >> that's what happened with tilikum, he killed a trainer and nobody wanted him, but sea world took him and then tilikum killed another person in 1999 and then finally killed dawn brancheau. sea world no longer imports killer whales-- or never captures them in the wild, they have a breeding program. there was a whale beached in
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holland, but most are through breeding. >> alisyn: this is a statement from sea world about the original video we showed the 2006 video, where the whale dragged the male trainer underthe water for 15 minutes. this video clearly shows the trainer's remarkable composure and emergency response plan both resulted in an outcome with no juniors. david, i know you don't believe that much will chain as a result of any of these. >> right now the trainers are out of the water and sea world has been hit by osha with violations and sea world is trying to get the trainers back in the water. >> and that trainer did act with remarkable calmness, but if you notice he jumps over the net and that's suppose today separate him from the whale and he in the slideout area and he thinks he's okay, but the whale comes under the
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net after him and you can't see it in the video and that's why he scrambles up. >> and into all of this, the video as well as the background. david kirby, author of "death at sea world", thanks for coming in. >> thanks, alisyn. >> let the games begin, and team usa kicking off the opening ceremony, and uniforms made in china. nothing i said made sense, did it? we'll look at the uniforms and talk about the controversy. meanwhile, he spent 27 years behind bars, wait until you hear this story, it was for a crime did he not commit. but he's not angry. he's singing this country's praises literally and sang the national anthem at a major league baseball game. he's here live in a few minutes. ♪ [ ryan ] luck doesn't get you to the olympic games.
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♪ you can't wish your way onto the dium. ♪ you can't buy it or hope for it. ♪ it's not enough to dream about it. ♪ luck didn't get me to london. i swam here. ♪
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the wife. hey, babe. got the jetta. i wiped the floor with the guy! not really. i would've been fine with 0% for 36 months, but i demanded 60. no...i didn't do that. it was like taking candy from a baby. you're a grown man. alright, see you at home. [ male announcer ] the volkswagen autobahn for all event. we good? we're good. [ male announcer ] at 0% apr for 60 months, no one needs to know how easy it was to get your new volkswagen. that's the power of german engineering.
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♪ >> and it's estimated that 1 billion people watched the opening ceremony of the summer olympics tonight in london. you know what's fascinating. with the diversity, man, woman, regardless of race or religion almost one billion people are thinking the same
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thing. why is the american team wearing french berets? >> i'm with you, but a billion people did not watch that. bbc say more people watched the olympic ceremonies than the royal wedding. 27 million people, nearly half the population and nbc posted best ever non-u.s. ratings ever. tape delaying in the united states, controversial, but worked. i think that twitter generated a lot of buzz for them. >> clayton: because earlier in the day, it was tape delayed here in the u.s. and buzz on twitter for the opening games and ceremony was how fantastic it was and everyone was jumping on, and to make sure they caught it. >> alisyn: a first time ago the first medals in the 2012 olympics, spoiler alert, people, okay, there you go. china taking the-- look away. cover earmuffs, people, earmuffs,bronze, child and bronze in 10 peter air rifle--
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i think you're okay, spoiling the air rifle competition. >> clayton: i was going to watch that, thank, alisyn. >> dave: meanwhile, the opening ceremonies kicking off last night in style. you can see the london fireworks there, of course, there were dancers, all-star music and the music was paul mccartney brought the house down towards the end and james bond, daniel craig was there, the queen played a part in this whole ceremony. >> the rolling stones were there. >> dave: it was amazing, and here is the knight himself, it was 40 million dollar show, the director of "slum dog millionaire." >> quite a spectacular extravaganzaa, and the history of-- >> it's all very different from beijing, i preferred beijing, but obviously this worked, the numbers are in.
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>> alisyn: and let's get to the headlines and the u.s. security officials are on the lookout for a new type of explosive. and actually the cia foiled another underwear bomb plot intercepted by a double agent in yemen and now it shows that the explosive was upgraded with a more sophisticated trigger than used in a failed attack on the detroit bound jet in christmas in 2009. the head of the tsa says they've changed the equipment and retrained the dogs so they can detect the explosives. but, cory booker apparently wants a promotion, the newark mayor says he's thinking of running as for new jersey governor against chris christie or for the senate. and frank lautenberg is giving up his seat in 2014. he announced his plans at a county meeting and considering the options for the end of term of mayor. she's only 17 and making medical break throughs, the britney was the grand prize winner of the google science
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fair, for the project, she taught the computer to read tests and diagnose breast cancer with 99% accuracy. we spoke with britney, what inspired her project. >> when i actually started this research. my cousin had recently been diagnosed and she's in remission and doing great, but gave me that personal connection and furthered my passion for the research. what is next for britney? she'll finish her senior year of high school and college and plans to go on to medical school and continue her cancer research. we think she has a bright future. >> you think? >> 17 years old. >> dave: what were we doing at 17 years old. >> alisyn: i can't say it out loud. >> dave: and tells the story so eloquently. a hundreds of balloons in new jersey, our rick reichmuth is there, will he ever take flight? we've been urging him too all morning long. >> clayton: let the lead out
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of his shoes. >> you think i'm chicken, but that's not the case, once you take off you're gone. and i never thought about that. you're the pilot and how far up could we go? >> depends on the fuel, 10 miles per hour for an hour, and go 10, 11 miles. >> okay. and how quickly do we rise, how high could we go. >> probably 1500 feet a minute if we wanted to. >> what if i want-- you might be down in the bottom of the basket. >> would i be scared? >> you might be scared. >> rick: let's get it ready and take it off and see how fast it goes, they have he' been holding it on and that's really loud, i don't know if you can hear that back there, but, it's incredibly loud and it's incredibly warm. how long would it take to grill a hot dog on that. >> two seconds. >> rick: all right. see you guys, you can let go now, we're going to take off and see how long this takes. how long did you have to study
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to get this kind of a job. >> i think overnight and-- >> come on, tell me. >> for 22 years. >> but did you get a lot of training. >> rick you're in good hands. >> pilots and-- >> bye rick, see you in kansas. >> see you buddy, tweet. >> alisyn: i sure hope we see him again. meanwhile, back in the 1980's, william dylan was 21 years old sent to prison for a murder he did not commit. after numerous appeals and 27 years behind bars, dna evidence finally cleared him of the crime. >> despite being locked up for the better part of his life he never lost his love for his country and the game of baseball, last week he decided to sing the national anthem before a major league baseball game, listen. ♪ the land of the free and the home of the brave ♪
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>> oh. and that's incredible. and a freeman in the studio and the shirt he wore when he was repleased from prison and singing the anthem and not guilty, william dillen, you never got angry and-- >> i won't say i never got angry, 15 years i was very angry. >> alisyn: but let's watch the recap. were you falsely accused based on faulty eyewitness testimony and a witness who ultimately lied about the crime. so for 15 years you were angry. how did you survive during those years? >> it was tough. i was being, you know, i was a 21-year-old, and i was being -- going through prison i'd never been in before and it was really tough so, it made me very angry and i was trying to fight situations in the basic sense for survival more
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than anything, it wasn't about innocence or guilt anymore, it was about survival. >> alisyn: as dave said, something happened in prison and you turned around your attitude what allowed you to not be angry. >> i didn't like who i was and how angry i was and saw a program on television with kids in a cancer center and a country singer had come to see them in the hospital beds with bandanas on their head and saw them and the spirits they had. knowing they only had three or six months to live, they were terminal and just touched my heart so much and so deeply that i realized i didn't have a lot to cry about. i was in a bad situation, but i wasn't in their kind of situation, they weren't going to see a future, but the positivity of it all was that it really sent a message to me that stayed in my head, and every time times got hard it popped up and said, bill. >> dave: yeah. >> it was just good logic, common sense, you don't have it that bad. >> clayton: and for our audience that didn't know it, you were being scouted by the detroit tigers as a pitcher.
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>> correct. >> recently governor scott of florida apologized personally to you and offered a compensation package of over a million dollars to you, does that, i know, money probably can't fill that hole, but did it help some or did you even look to that money and say that's really not relevant it me? what was your response. >> the reality of that is, it took them three years after my release, the first couple of years, they were trying to tell people i committed the crime. only dna testing and catching the hit on the dna they came around the corner to realizing that i hadn't committed the crime. so-- >> and you also want to give credit to geraldo rivera because he did an investigation that helped figure out why you were falsely convicted and exonerate you, and i believe we have geraldo rivera on the line. >> hi, how are you doing, it's geraldo. >> oh, how you doing, good to hear your voice. >> you know, i'm so proud of
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you, so proud that you didn't let bitterness consume you and so proud of how you've grown you up. and i have to say, folks, you know, we love to believe in the criminal justice system, but this man was convicted on the flimsiest evidence imagined. and you mentioned the false eyewitness testimony and also a dog used in this case by a man a dirty dog handler, a dog that could make the dog hit on anything he wanted and the dog handler helped put bill behind bars for so many years, so unjustly and the fact that he's not bitter is remarkable tribute to him. >> clayton: bill, we're going to have more with you in a moment and we're blowing things up here, the rundown. >> alisyn: geraldo, stick around we want to get bill's response to you right after this quick commercial break, so if you can hang around. >> sure. >> dave: stay with us, folks. no i.d., no problem. democratic government saying
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>> we just met william dillen, wrongly convicted and spent 27 years behind bars and we heard geraldo on the phone with the 20/20 investigation, and bill didn't have a chance to respond to geraldo. >> i want today apologize on in person. >> he's still on the phone. >> geraldo, you're here. >> hi, bill, still here. >> alisyn: what do you want to apologize to geraldo about. >> i don't want to apologize, i want to say thank you, for proving john preston to be a fraud and surprised in the editorial you gave that they
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didn't look deeper into john preston's history and the fact that he was never certified to be a dog handler and i want to say thank you and thank you to innocent project and my public defender without him standing up for me i wouldn't have seen my freedom through the evidence brought forward and sandy dalenberg, a great lawyer in floor and guy spearman lobbying for my freedom. >> geraldo, it's amazing the outlook he has, not carrying bitterness through 27 years, ruining his life. still an amazing philosophy. it is, dave, and the amazing thing is, how long it took the system to exonerate it and how resistent to dna. there was no dna in those days and now we can know to a scientific certainly who committed a crime and this man was innocent from the get-go, god bless him. i hope he sings his lungs out.
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a wonderful life ahead of him. and governor scott stood up to the plate and i think it should be be more-- took more than half his life. imagine how any of us would feel, life is so short anyway and to lose half of it that way, just, it's so pathetic, really is. >> alisyn: well, called black robes and lawyers, and you know he sings about those two things. >> certainly. >> alisyn: and you're going to sing for us. >> did you get to sing in prison. >> i certainly did, sang to the prisoners in my cell down the hallway, it's like a tunnel and you sing, you get quietness and you're singing and people want to hush and basically that soulful found, everybody knows it's that sort of mentally, the soul sound. >> a bright light in maybe a dark place like that. >> alisyn: we're going to hear it coming up. >> clayton: our thanks to geraldo for joining us, we'll hear more from bill, he's
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going to be singing in just a moment. >> a media mogul fired. >> not one moment-- i trust nature made because their products are scientifically formulated. their fish oil contains the right dose of critical omega3's. the amount recommended by several leading health organizations. nature made,the number one pharmacist recommended fish oil brand. learn more at
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>> welcome back. time for news by the numbers. how much mark zuckerberg lost in way day of trading. 1.6 billion. next up 20 year low, that's what is behind the resignation of cnn president jim walton, the once respected network now falling behind even oprah's ratings on the own network. wow. finally $99 how much it will cost to have the vegas wedding wagon come to you. pick you up, take you to the
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site and married and no word if it drops you back off. >> 24 hours to divorce you. >> clayton: once they put the sticker on the side? an incredible story of william dillen, 27 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. and now he's back to sing the star spangled banner, and better good at this. >> every time a little more practice and-- >> bill we'll let you. >> dave: going to be the background. >> don't need help. >> all right, okay, here we go. ♪ o say can you see by the dawn's early light ♪ ♪ what so proudly we hailed ♪ at the twilight's last gleaming ♪ ♪ whose broad stripes and
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bright stars ♪ ♪ through the perilous fight ♪ o'er the ramparts we watched ♪ ♪ were so gallantly streaming ♪ ♪ and the rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air ♪ ♪ gave proof through the night ♪ ♪ that our flag was still there ♪ ♪ o say does that star spangled banner yet wave ♪
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♪ o'er the land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave (applause) >> thank you, america. happy birthday! thank you, nana
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>> his album is online, and five star reviews, and black robes and lawyers. and after the show show and how trying to get a band of all exonerated prisoners, can't wait to hear. >> you did a wonderful jobs and thanks to the ladies, just off camera, do we have a shot? >> thanks for the folks at hooters for coming by today. tomorrow's national wing day. >> clayton: yeah, go there and get great free wings at hooters location, join us on
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the after the show show. >> see you tomorrow. >> the economy slowing, consumers bumming. more u.s. companies warning and d.c. doing nothing. will the economy be stuck in uncertainty also lawmakers agree to prevent a massive tax hike? hi, i'm brenda buttner, this is bulls and bears. >> let's get to it. here they are the bulls and bears this week, we've got gary b smith. jonas max father ris and, gary b, no recovery until we see tax cuts for everyone? >> that's what it feels like, brenda. it's just not a personal opinion, look at the number of companies who have come out this past week and warned that earnings are likely to be down or flat because of uncertainty and in fact, brenda, better be listen to companies that haven't warned.
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we have mcdonald's, we have ford, we have sisco, we have apple, we have starbucks and it's like a who's who of the fortune 500, now, and those companies obviously are across the board different sectors, different industries, tech, you know, consumer goods, all across. everyone is saying the same thing, congress, clear things up, make at least the the very minimum the tax situation to clear. >> okay, but, there is a cost to that, isn't there? >> yeah, there's enormous cost. this, i think is part of the problem, i think everyone would agree, best case scenario you'd want to extend the tax cuts number one pressure point is the fiscal situation, you're talking about a massive deficit and debt that keeps growing and so if you extend the tax cuts, all of them in particular, you have to come up with additional revenue, the other problem, and i think this is really key, to keep in mind, is not only do you have to talk about the payroll tax extension, and not only have to talk about unemploymen


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